Liam F. Spurr, MD (@lfspurr) 's Twitter Profile
Liam F. Spurr, MD


PGY-1 - IM @EndeavorHlth ➡️ @MDAndersonNews #RadOnc ☢️ | via @UChiPritzker @BroadInstitute @GWtweets | 🔬: interplay of radiotherapy & genomics | 🏳️‍🌈

ID: 1247148095458205696

link calendar_today06-04-2020 13:04:17

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577 Takip Edilen

Krishan Jethwa (@krishanjethwa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Few recent RadOnc factoids‼️ 1.👍🏼👍🏼Fulfillment 2.👍🏼👍🏼Work hours 3.👍🏼👍🏼Compensation But… 4.👎🏼👎🏼Job market No surprise RadOnc was once a top 5 most competitive field. I find my work incredibly rewarding!Congrats to those joining the field! But WE have work to do‼️

Few recent RadOnc factoids‼️
2.👍🏼👍🏼Work hours
4.👎🏼👎🏼Job market

No surprise RadOnc was once a top 5 most competitive field. 

I find my work incredibly rewarding!Congrats to those joining the field!

But WE have work to do‼️
MD Anderson Cancer Center (@mdandersonnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women should get screened for breast cancer every other year starting at age 40, according to new USPSTF guidelines. Our Dr. Therese Bevers weighs in: TODAY #BreastCancer #EndCancer

Yuan James Rao (@yuanjamesrao) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Diary of a Rad Onc Resident. Just came across this tongue-in-cheek 'typical' day in #radonc ! Made me actually laugh out loud! Found it on Reddit.

Diary of a Rad Onc Resident.  Just came across this tongue-in-cheek 'typical' day in #radonc !  Made me actually laugh out loud!  Found it on Reddit.
Peter Van Loo (@vanloolab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚀 Excited to share our latest research! We developed GRITIC, a novel method for timing genomic gains using bulk WGS data. Our findings reveal non-parsimonious evolution and increased chromosomal instability post-genome doubling in tumors.… #cancergenomics

Dr. David Palma (@drdavidpalma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hot off the press in IJROBP - The Red Journal: the ARREST phase I trial of SABR in poly-metastatic disease, led by Glenn Bauman, MD & Tim Nguyen Average number of lesions = 16 Dose safely escalated to 30 Gy in 5 fractions.… The phase II/III RCT ARREST2 is underway!

Hot off the press in <a href="/IJROBP/">IJROBP - The Red Journal</a>: the ARREST phase I trial of SABR in poly-metastatic disease, led by <a href="/lhscradonc/">Glenn Bauman, MD</a> &amp; <a href="/TimkWin/">Tim Nguyen</a> 

Average number of lesions = 16 
Dose safely escalated to 30 Gy in 5 fractions.…

The phase II/III RCT ARREST2 is underway!
Drew Moghanaki 🐕 (@drewmoghanaki) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A teaching case from UCLA reports the effectiveness of a single fraction of 1 Gy in saving the life of an intubated patient with Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage secondary to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis. #radonc…

A teaching case from UCLA reports the effectiveness of a single fraction of 1 Gy in saving the life of an intubated patient with Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage secondary to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis. #radonc…
Evan Thomas MD/PhD (@evanthomas84) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to be home in #radonc. For first day back, we present 50Gy/1fx to bilateral L2, L3, L4 sensory nerve roots for intractable spasticity on the Varian sponsored SPASM trial Thanks to my rad onc & physics colleagues and exceptional team at OhioStateRadOnc for helping

Albert Koong, MD PhD (@ackoongmdphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats Ethan Ludmir MD and Chad Tang, MD! This MD Anderson Cancer Center P2 randomized study shows PFS of 10.3 mo vs. 2.5 mo in #PancreasCancer pts with oligometastatic dz treated with metastasis-directed therapy+sys tx vs. sys tx alone. #radonc #endcancer…

Liam F. Spurr, MD (@lfspurr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the new study from Sean Pitroda, M.D. and I, providing further validation for aneuploidy as a predictive and prognostic biomarker following immunotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer!…

Jelena Lukovic, MD FRCPC MPH (@j_lukovic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Single fraction RT (8Gy) significantly improves hepatic pain compared with best supportive care and can be considered standard palliative treatment. No increase in toxicity. Laura Dawson CCTG…