Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile
Future Intelligence


The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence.
Exploring the nature and impact of AI (Uni of Cambridge, with spokes at Imperial and Berkeley).

ID: 4439862976

linkhttp://www.lcfi.ac.uk calendar_today10-12-2015 17:40:08

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Amy Gaeta (@gaetaamy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am co-organizing this event with the Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics and Future Intelligence, full programme to come. We are inviting students to apply to present work on AI ethics through a faith or multi-faith perspective. Please share! cilecenter.org/academic-progrā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New Blog Alert! Our former MPhil Student Zoya explores how NDAs silence whistleblowers and undermine transparency in technology companies! zoya yasmine Read more in the link below: lcfi.ac.uk/news-events/blā€¦

The Good Robot Podcast (@thegoodrobot1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are BACK from summer break with the first part of our series on the EU AI Act! Join us as we chat to Daniel Leufer and Caterina Rodelli from Access Now about the successes and the failures of the EU AI Act from a human rights perspective: YouTube: youtu.be/9qS53He7SUY

We are BACK from summer break with the first part of our series on the EU AI Act! Join us as we chat to <a href="/djleufer/">Daniel Leufer</a> and <a href="/CaterinaRodelli/">Caterina Rodelli</a> from <a href="/accessnow/">Access Now</a> about the successes and the failures of the EU AI Act from a human rights perspective: 

YouTube: youtu.be/9qS53He7SUY
Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There's still time to register for the Electric Dreaming: AI, Art and Culture event, being held next Tuesday in collaboration with Jesus College and BRiGHTBLACK! More info in the link: lcfi.ac.uk/news-events/evā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CfP! For students interested in the relationship between faith and AI, consider applying to present at the Winter School on AI, Ethics, Religious and Cultural Perspectives, in collaboration with the Centre for Islamic Legislation and Ethics CILE Center lcfi.ac.uk/news-events/evā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At the British Society of Aesthetics conference this week? Make sure to check out our Teaching Fellow, Dr Milena Ivanova's talk "The Problem with AI Art," in which she outlines moral objections to AI art pertaining to 'the evaluative gap' created by AI. british-aesthetics.org/portfolio/annuā€¦

Stephen Cave (@stephenjcave) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Surely the greatest accolade a philosopher could hope for? šŸ˜‚ I found out via The Scotsman that my work has inspired a comedy show at Edinburgh Festival Fringe (by Hannah Whittingham) 'Death Becomes Us', reviewed (favourably!) here scotsman.com/arts-and-cultuā€¦ (I sadly haven't seen it!)

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New publication! šŸ“¢ *Whiteness in Digital Technology* an introduction and overview, by Stephen Cave Dr Kerry McInerney (Mackereth) and Kanta Dihal for the Handbook of Critical Whiteness. Available here: link.springer.com/referenceworkeā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join our Associate Director, Dr. Maya Indira Ganesh, at the Science Gallery in London on September 12th. She, other experts, industry members, and the public will consider the question, ā€˜What can AI learn from the street?ā€™ Frau Dr Auntie Occident eventbrite.co.uk/e/ai-in-the-stā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CfP! On the 30th of October, our Teaching Fellow, Dr Milena Ivanova, is hosting an event sponsored by the British Society of Aesthetics to consider the Future of Art in the AI Age. To join the discussion, check out the info in the link Milena Ivanova šŸ’™šŸ’› lcfi.ac.uk/news-events/evā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new paper from John Burden, JosĆ© HernĆ”ndez-Orallo, and Manuel Cebrian introduces new metrics for analysing conversational effort with LLMs. They explore whether conversational effort can be used to determine the risk of harmful content. arxiv.org/abs/2409.01247ā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out Dr Amy Gaeta's new chapter "The Drone's Other Target: The Generative Aesthetics of Drone Hobbyists' Love". Amy uses feminist disability studies to examine the hobbyists' expressed love towards consumer drones and drone-selfie culture! Amy Gaeta openhumanitiespress.org/books/titles/dā€¦

Centre for Drones and Culture (@aestheticsdrone) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration is now LIVE for the Drone Aesthetics book launch event on October 2nd. Speaker lineup TBD. More here: centrefordronesandculture.com/events/book-laā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In this new research, our student-fellow Muhammed Alakitan and colleague argue for the need for clear ethical guidelines in the use and production of data, AI, and digital technologies in Nigeria. @justkitan Ebenezer onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/poā€¦

Future Intelligence (@leverhulmecfi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our MPhil program is open for applications for our 25/26 cohort - get more information from our application guide, including key dates and deadlines: lcfi.ac.uk/education/mphiā€¦