Leon Simons (is fine)
Pretty much done here.
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Plain climate science & communication.
Mission: To understand & protect the home planet.
ID: 192871090
https://www.patreon.com/LeonSimons 20-09-2010 11:35:33
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toxic-positivity saboteur 📏💉😷🪟🏝️☕🚄⚽🫧 🛠️ A human rotisserie sounds quite dystopian indeed..
William Mishler Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf 🌏 🦣 ECMWF Copernicus ECMWF Dr Sam Burgess 🌍🌡🛰 Looks like much more of the heat stays in the Southern Hemisphere. The energy imbalance of the Northern Hemisphere has turned positive in the past decades 👇. x.com/LeonSimons8/st…
Adam McKay I sometimes feel the urge to ask people: “Are you okay? You seem completely fine with all that's happening?”
Climate-crisis induced drought in Amazonia has been a concern among climate researchers for a long time now. See pioneering modeling from 2008. Less aerosols aggravate precipitation decline. We are headed there. Also MANY other studies published since then.. Peter Cox Leon Simons (is fine)