Lennessy, M.A. (@lennessyblack) 's Twitter Profile
Lennessy, M.A.


Twitter is psuedo-progressive ๐Ÿ™„

Chelsea's husband ๐Ÿ’

published Shakespearean

MSU '16 + '22

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David Dennis Jr. (@daviddtss) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I bet Brett Favre was worried about the welfare of Jordan Loveโ€™s knee. I googled โ€œ Brett Favre welfareโ€ but couldnโ€™t find anything. You should try googling that and see if you have any better luck.

Myron Medcalf (@medcalfbyespn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just a quick story. Dikembe's mother died during wartime in the Congo when she couldn't get to a hospital in time because an ambulance was unavailable. Plus, she could have been arrested due to the climate. Dikembe's response to that tragedy? He built a hospital in his hometown.

Mina Kimes (@minakimes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ravens creeper on 1st down. Oweh drops into coverage and keeps eyes on Allen; Simpson adds on to the pressure from the 2nd level and KVN wins his one on one inside vs Spencer Brown, drawing a hold.