Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile


#340B enables #communityhealth centers to stretch scarce resources to reach eligible patients & provide needed medical services. #Leave340B

ID: 1582105086909612035

linkhttps://www.leave340b.org/ calendar_today17-10-2022 20:23:50

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Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REASON #5: #NYS DOH promises a “make whole” fund that requires federal approval that takes at least a year – and it hasn’t even been submitted for federal approval. No money is flowing anytime soon. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B Stay tuned for Reason #6 tomorrow...

REASON #5: #NYS DOH promises a “make whole” fund that requires federal approval that takes at least a year – and it hasn’t even been submitted for federal approval. No money is flowing anytime soon. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

Stay tuned for Reason #6 tomorrow...
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REASON #6: Amir Bassiri tells #FQHCs not to cut programs, not to cut staff, but can’t promise the availability of hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Small #healthcenters do not have these kinds of reserves and will shutter. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B Reason #7

REASON #6: Amir Bassiri tells #FQHCs not to cut programs, not to cut staff, but can’t promise the availability of hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Small #healthcenters do not have these kinds of reserves and will shutter. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

Reason #7
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Who in their right mind sends state money back to the federal government? Amir Bassiri and Governor Kathy Hochul do! As 70 cents of every $1 in #340B rebates under the “carve-out” will not go to community agencies, but rather back to the feds. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B Stay

Who in their right mind sends state money back to the federal government? Amir Bassiri and <a href="/GovKathyHochul/">Governor Kathy Hochul</a> do! As 70 cents of every $1 in #340B rebates under the “carve-out” will not go to community agencies, but rather back to the feds. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

Albany Damien Center (@albanydamienctr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are already suffering the impact of the poor rollout of NYRx after 21 days. Please ask the Assembly to support A5911/S5136 that will fix this mess this budget cycle. #REJECTtheCarveOutNY #save340B NYS Assembly Member Amy Paulin Leave340B #DontCutTheNet Assemblymember Patricia Fahy bit.ly/42PkdgG

Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In a state that has prioritized health equity and has declared racism as a public health emergency, Governor Kathy Hochul and DOH has now succeeded in putting systemic racism and an inequitable health consequence into the FY24 budget. Learn more: bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

In a state that has prioritized health equity and has declared racism as a public health emergency, <a href="/GovKathyHochul/">Governor Kathy Hochul</a> and DOH has now succeeded in putting systemic racism and an inequitable health consequence into the FY24 budget. Learn more: bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REASON # 9: 42 years of progress in ending the #AIDS epidemic in #NYS is set back at least 20 years due to one man’s gross negligence in defunding #HIV organizations through the Medicaid Carve-out. Learn more: bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B Stay tuned for #10!

REASON # 9: 42 years of progress in ending the #AIDS epidemic in #NYS is set back at least 20 years due to one man’s gross negligence in defunding #HIV organizations through the Medicaid Carve-out. Learn more: bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

Stay tuned for #10!
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And finally...REASON #10: There is ZERO clarity. #RyanWhite organizations are left wondering how to split a paltry $30 million, while having no idea how Amir Bassiri got to that number. Thank you for following along! bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

And finally...REASON #10: There is ZERO clarity. 

#RyanWhite organizations are left wondering how to split a paltry $30 million, while having no idea how Amir Bassiri got to that number. 

Thank you for following along! 

bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Citizens of NY are writing to Governor Kathy Hochul imploring her to put #340B funding back in the #NYS budget for #communityhealth centers like Evergreen Health. #LGBTQ patients are now forced to seek critical care outside the #WNY area. Send your letter: bit.ly/3kYj6KB#Leave3…

Citizens of NY are writing to <a href="/GovKathyHochul/">Governor Kathy Hochul</a> imploring her to put #340B funding back in the #NYS budget for #communityhealth centers like <a href="/EvergreenHS/">Evergreen Health</a>. #LGBTQ patients are now forced to seek critical care outside the #WNY area. Send your letter: bit.ly/3kYj6KB#Leave3…
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Governor Kathy Hochul’s #340B carve-out is quite literally taking food and other resources from the most vulnerable chronically ill patients and families in WNY. Take Action Now: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B

.<a href="/GovKathyHochul/">Governor Kathy Hochul</a>’s #340B carve-out is quite literally taking food and other resources from the most vulnerable chronically ill patients and families in WNY. Take Action Now: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When we say the #340B carve-out is already impacting WNY citizens NOW, we are absolutely not kidding. These patients are becoming desperate for care they deserve and ER’s will be overrun once again. Take Action Now: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B

When we say the #340B carve-out is already impacting WNY citizens NOW, we are absolutely not kidding. These patients are becoming desperate for care they deserve and ER’s will be overrun once again. Take Action Now: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B
Leave340B (@leave340b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#340B funding has been life-saving for many WNY citizens. Patients who’ve come to rely on programs like this for health & well-being will be turned away thanks to Governor Kathy Hochul. Learn More: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B

#340B funding has been life-saving for many WNY citizens. Patients who’ve come to rely on programs like this for health &amp; well-being will be turned away thanks to <a href="/GovKathyHochul/">Governor Kathy Hochul</a>. Learn More: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B