#340B enables #communityhealth centers to stretch scarce resources to reach eligible patients & provide needed medical services. #Leave340B
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https://www.leave340b.org/ 17-10-2022 20:23:50
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Who in their right mind sends state money back to the federal government? Amir Bassiri and Governor Kathy Hochul do! As 70 cents of every $1 in #340B rebates under the “carve-out” will not go to community agencies, but rather back to the feds. bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B Stay

We are already suffering the impact of the poor rollout of NYRx after 21 days. Please ask the Assembly to support A5911/S5136 that will fix this mess this budget cycle. #REJECTtheCarveOutNY #save340B NYS Assembly Member Amy Paulin Leave340B #DontCutTheNet Assemblymember Patricia Fahy bit.ly/42PkdgG

In a state that has prioritized health equity and has declared racism as a public health emergency, Governor Kathy Hochul and DOH has now succeeded in putting systemic racism and an inequitable health consequence into the FY24 budget. Learn more: bit.ly/Leave340B #Leave340B

Governor Kathy Hochul what happened to combating health disparities? Silence is consent. Buffalo patients deserve better than your empty promises. #leave340

Citizens of NY are writing to Governor Kathy Hochul imploring her to put #340B funding back in the #NYS budget for #communityhealth centers like Evergreen Health. #LGBTQ patients are now forced to seek critical care outside the #WNY area. Send your letter: bit.ly/3kYj6KB#Leave3…

.Governor Kathy Hochul’s #340B carve-out is quite literally taking food and other resources from the most vulnerable chronically ill patients and families in WNY. Take Action Now: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B

#340B funding has been life-saving for many WNY citizens. Patients who’ve come to rely on programs like this for health & well-being will be turned away thanks to Governor Kathy Hochul. Learn More: bit.ly/3kYj6KB #Leave340B