Wojciech Wardenga
ID: 225413538
11-12-2010 14:03:11
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Dream team of #simtechs practising some moulage before the Pre-Conference #aspih2023 workshops this afternoon. We can't wait to see how everyone does! 🤩 ASPiH Tech SiG

#simtechs getting stuck in with moulage in the Pre-Conference workshop 😱 #aspih2023 ASPiH Tech SiG

#ASPiH2023 moulage workshop! ✔️ ASPiH ASPiH Tech SiG University of Southampton Technicians Technician Commitment Sim & Skills

We saw a wide variety of moulage demonstrated, with thanks to our regional champions delivering using kit donated by Sim & Skills x.com/lavojtek/statu… #aspih2023

Today I found out about self mix silicone that is mixed directly onto the skin to make fake wounds. I learned how to make an awesome looking chemical burn. I got fired up about technician job status and tried a range of XR options #techniciansmakeithappen #aspih2023 ASPiH Tech SiG

Z tego co widać pan Donald Tusk w 3 miesiące wrócił do metod których używał w latach 2007-2015. 8 lat czekania. Łza się w oku kręci. :) #wincyj #StrajkRolników #StrajkGeneralny #ProtestRolników

Niejaki Mrozek na antenie Trójka – Program 3 Polskiego Radia właśnie opowiadał jak to "marsz tysiąca tóg" miał poparcie 75% społeczeństwa 😂 IUSTITIA Stowarzyszenie Sędziów Polskich nie mogliście wysłać kogoś bardziej ogarniętego?

Technical vacancy at University of Southampton University of Southampton Technicians Clinical Skills & Simulation Technician Closing: 05 July ntdc.ac.uk/jobs/clinical-…

A fantastic first day at #simtechlive. Simulation technicians from all over the country coming together to share ideas, knowledge and experiences. Rounded off by a BBQ in the glorious British weather ☔ Thankfully we're making use of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity 🚁 covered garden area.