Wojciech Wardenga (@lavojtek) 's Twitter Profile
Wojciech Wardenga


ID: 225413538

calendar_today11-12-2010 14:03:11

565 Tweet


240 Following

ASPiH (@aspihuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dream team of #simtechs practising some moulage before the Pre-Conference #aspih2023 workshops this afternoon. We can't wait to see how everyone does! 🤩 ASPiH Tech SiG

Dream team of #simtechs practising some moulage before the Pre-Conference #aspih2023 workshops this afternoon. We can't wait to see how everyone does! 🤩 <a href="/AspihTechSig/">ASPiH Tech SiG</a>
ASPiH Tech SiG (@aspihtechsig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We saw a wide variety of moulage demonstrated, with thanks to our regional champions delivering using kit donated by Sim & Skills x.com/lavojtek/statu… #aspih2023

We saw a wide variety of moulage demonstrated, with thanks to our regional champions delivering using kit donated by <a href="/SimandSkills/">Sim & Skills</a>
Dan Blood (@surreysimtech) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today I found out about self mix silicone that is mixed directly onto the skin to make fake wounds. I learned how to make an awesome looking chemical burn. I got fired up about technician job status and tried a range of XR options #techniciansmakeithappen #aspih2023 ASPiH Tech SiG

Today I found out about self mix silicone that is mixed directly onto the skin to make fake wounds. I learned how to make an awesome looking chemical burn. I got fired up about technician job status and tried a range of XR options
<a href="/AspihTechSig/">ASPiH Tech SiG</a>
Chris Gay (@chrisghull) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm really proud to get the first part of this multi-year project over the line. So many passionate people from all corners of the UK are contributing to making this real. For more learners to benefit from #Simulation, we need more #Faculty support - please have a look!

Dispropaganda (@dispropoganda) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today in Poland, the Donald Tusk government broke the rule of law and sent armed police to raid the public broadcaster & violently shut it down. TVP was PiS's mouthpiece, but this kind of behavior is something that happens in Moscow, not Warsaw. Will the EU condemn this?

Today in Poland, the Donald Tusk government broke the rule of law and sent armed police to raid the public broadcaster &amp; violently shut it down. 

TVP was PiS's mouthpiece, but this kind of behavior is something that happens in Moscow, not Warsaw. 

Will the EU condemn this?
Rafał Otoka Frąckiewicz (@rafalhubert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Z tego co widać pan Donald Tusk w 3 miesiące wrócił do metod których używał w latach 2007-2015. 8 lat czekania. Łza się w oku kręci. :) #wincyj #StrajkRolników #StrajkGeneralny #ProtestRolników

Sławomir Mentzen (@slawomirmentzen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stałem pod Sejmem pomiędzy policją a rolnikami. W pewnym momencie policja potraktowała nas gazem i zaatakowała. Rolnicy w tym miejscu byli zupełnie spokojni, po prostu stali za mną. Interwencja policji nie wyglądała na uzasadnioną, wręcz przeciwnie, wyglądała na próbę eskalowania

Stałem pod Sejmem pomiędzy policją a rolnikami. W pewnym momencie policja potraktowała nas gazem i zaatakowała. Rolnicy w tym miejscu byli zupełnie spokojni, po prostu stali za mną. Interwencja policji nie wyglądała na uzasadnioną, wręcz przeciwnie, wyglądała na próbę eskalowania
hektikhektor (@hektikhektor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shocking scenes in Warsaw, Poland just now, as police attack farmers peacefully protesting Tusk's new Euro green deal. #protestrolnikow2024 #protestrolnikow #protestrolników #Poland #Polska #Warsaw #Warszawa #warszawa_poland

Krzysztof Stanowski (@k_stanowski) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dopiero teraz mam moment, żeby usiąść do komputera i napisać kilka słów o publikacji „Gazety Wyborczej” o mnie. Cóż, dokładnie tego się spodziewałem, więc dokładnie dlatego nie widziałem sensu rozmowy z autorami (Piotr Głuchowski, Iwona Goerke). Tylko dodawałbym wiarygodności

Ceasar #TakDlaCPK (@ceasar_v2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To jest kurwa niewiarygodne. Wszystkie projekty zapewniające potomnym dostatnie życie w bezpiecznym kraju są upierdalane. W zamian za to gawiedź jest karmiona jakimiś pierdoletami o Obajtku i Hesbollahu. I szczęśliwa gawiedź oczy wydrapie tym, którym się to nie podoba. Pojeby.

University of Southampton Technicians (@sotontechs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to see UoS techs hosting HE institutions from London & the South East for a Technician Apprenticeship Networking Day on June 24th. Funded by the Technician Commitment & the Southampton Research Culture Fund the lucky technical apprentices even enjoyed a trip on R V Callista

Great to see UoS techs hosting HE institutions from London &amp; the South East for a Technician Apprenticeship Networking Day on June 24th. Funded by the Technician Commitment &amp; the Southampton Research Culture Fund the lucky technical apprentices even enjoyed a trip on R V Callista
Sim & Skills (@simandskills) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A fantastic first day at #simtechlive. Simulation technicians from all over the country coming together to share ideas, knowledge and experiences. Rounded off by a BBQ in the glorious British weather ☔ Thankfully we're making use of the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity 🚁 covered garden area.

Sim & Skills (@simandskills) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More than 60 attendees from over 50 Universities and NHS Trusts. 8 inspiring workshops. Two days of learning, connections, collaborations and fun. Sim Tech Live was a wonderful celebration of the hard work and dedication of simulation technicians. Thank you to our workshop

Dan Blood (@surreysimtech) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here's an attempt to explain eh T SimOS is, what's been happening and what I'm working towards. #simtechlive #techniciansmakeithappen linkedin.com/posts/danblood…