Lady of Summerisle (@lady_astor) 's Twitter Profile
Lady of Summerisle


"So as through a glass, and darkly the age long strife I see. Where I fought in many guises, many names, but always me."

ID: 183739654

calendar_today27-08-2010 19:41:30

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Líbranos del Mal (@libranosdmal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Argentina trajo refugiados una vez por orden de Estados Unidos. Trajo laosianos medio salvajes que huían de la guerra de VietNam. Se comieron todos los perros, gatos y animalitos que había en la zona (creo Mendoza), armaron un buen quilombo, no les gustó Argentina y se fueron.

PhilosophiCat (@philosophi_cat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

According to reports from eyewitnesses at the time, the blacks ripped open the bellies of pregnant women and forced the husbands to eat the fetus. Their depravity was legendary. When you’re killing women, children, and the poor whites in the towns that never owned land or

Chief (@percydanvers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The debates should be a series of 10 questions each candidate gets to ask the other. They each get a certain amount of time to respond and number of rebuttals. The moderator is some unknown, unnamed person with a stopwatch who just says when the time is up. Fair and fun.

Dimitri Kolokotronis (@jimmylevendia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lady of Summerisle They don’t have the stones either to advocate for temperance specifically for those who feel they need it, or to just declare the Shahada like men. They have to whine about seeking their faults in alcohol rather than themselves.

Andrew Kerr (@andrewkerr1873) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lady of Summerisle Our Lord's first miracle. Get the booze in. Gen Z are so gay I worry about them. You see so many videos of them on YouTube watching 90s/00s comedies like South Park being outraged and utterly bewildered that such a thing could exist, far less be permitted. It is sad to behold.

mystagogos (@reaxionario) 's Twitter Profile Photo

De todas maneras, el punto de todo esto es que ponerse de acuerdo ni siquiera les ha hecho falta. Todos coinciden en lo fundamental: la justicia social es un cheque en blanco a la expansión estatal indiscriminada.