JD| repeat bar taker| retroactively competent| The best is yet to come #RetroactiveAdmission
ID: 1240425367275364352
18-03-2020 23:50:38
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Our statement on the passing of Sergio Cafaro, interpreter at Clara Shortridge Foltz. His death was very likely caused by a confluence of Los Angeles Superior Court dangerous practices.

Honoring MLK today by donating to Community Fund to create a more diverse and inclusive legal community, and promoting criminal justice reform. How are you honoring MLK’s legacy today? #MLKDay Thank you!Dr. Carson, Esq. (they/them) blackbarapplicantfund.com

Hopefully we get some answers tomorrow from California Supreme Court The intended beneficiaries of this program have been patiently waiting a very long time. #PLLWaiver #RetroactiveAdmission