her saying "firstly, because all the members' personalities are different, how to match [those differences] individually and how to make them happy, as in how to lead the atmosphere with the members to be good. i think that's the part that i was most concerned about." 🥺🥺🥺
hyunjin said "when we were watching the mv, hyeju told me 'what happens if the person who is driving looks at the back?'"😭😭 the way she also went "ok translate [in] papago go" too😭😭
Go Won says this is the showcase
Hyunjin thinks this is the fanmeeting
Go Won knows it's the showcase because Vivi drew the other members who attended
Plus Chuu who couldn't make it due to a schedule, so she drew her really small
Making Filipino Leche Flan with Kpop Idols (ft. Loossemble) youtu.be/1TqmDlRaeNc?si… via YouTube
i don't usually like to use the word pookie unironically but hyeju is very much pookie especially in here