Koen Seignette
Postdoc @ Charite, Berlin w/ Matthew Larkum
Former PhD student @ NIN, Amsterdam w/ Christiaan Levelt.
Predictive coding, sleep, inhibition, chandelier cells
ID: 106779107
20-01-2010 17:28:09
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Happy to share work finally out 🥳 It helps resolve the recent debate about sound-evoked activity in mouse visual cortex: both auditory and behavior related activity exist with distinct spatiotemporal profiles! PhD work CSN lab UvA , now ChampalimaudResearch nature.com/articles/s4159…

We are looking for postdocs funded by an ERC starting grant to investigate the mechanisms of cortical predictive learning! Opportunities to use in vivo whole cell recordings, 2-photon imaging VR for mice, and more. Please reach out if you are interested! elxw.fa.em3.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/Candidat…

Proud of our work and my PhD baby. Now out in Science: Pronouns reactivate conceptual representations in human hippocampal neurons. Thanks to Pieter Roelfsema, Matthew Self and the others for this great study! science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…