ID: 1422390085824262148
03-08-2021 02:53:31
78 Tweet
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We can do better then this Ontario #CGM4all #Acess4All Doug Ford Christine Elliott Belinda Karahalios Ontario Ministry of Health

Not enough we can do better. All T1D deserve better. Doug Ford Christine Elliott Belinda Karahalios

So sad this is happening we can't afford this device which can safe do many lives! Doug Ford Christine Elliott Belinda Karahalios Ontario Ministry of Health

What are you waiting for ONTARIO Belinda Karahalios Christine Elliott Doug Ford #access4all

ALBERTA HAS announced they will cover CGM. What is ONTARIO waiting for?! YOU CAN DO BETTER! #CGM4all #Access4All Doug Ford Christine Elliott Belinda Karahalios lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%…

Amazing!! #GCM4ALL #Access4All Ontario are you next!? Christine Elliott Doug Ford Belinda Karahalios

Ready... set... go! Let The Tiny Home Takeout Experience begin! Thanks for coming to visit us today St. Peter CES! ❤️🙏 #SentToBuild #FieldTrip #Volunteers

This is what being "Heart of the Community" is all about! ❣️💞 What a great learning experience for our #WCDSBAwesome students! Creating a place for all & transforming the world happens in many ways! Fr. Toby Collins, CR Fr. Joseph de Viveiros, C.R. St. Peter CES