Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile
Krishna Memani


The views expressed here are entirely personal.

ID: 2645498582

calendar_today14-07-2014 13:48:49

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Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think about lot of preferred factor research was done off of old data a long term small cap and international bag holder, I wonder when do you change your mind....if not today, WHEN? And if you don't ever change your mind, what are you...(me and my heirs in my

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In case you didn't know, I hate small caps, and for sure international....i have followed the diversification theme to the tee for 30 years....I just don't like the outcome....thus the Damodaran will be what it will be...

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What goes on in the crypto space with bots is out of the world insane....the most extreme zero sum games in the world....but all the power to you

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I have come to the conclusion that all factor based investing is a religious exercise in monastery level time period is periodic evidence is enough....either you believe....or you are a non believer...decide where you want to be....

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think all of factor based investing is solely dependent on the failings of humans....we misprice things because of our proclivities....and we will wait for gadot and if needed Moses to come save us from the depravity of the masses....

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo of the assumptions of the true believers in investing....especially the factors that we will all live to the ripe old age of munger or buffet.....which of course is not true...especially if you are in a super non wealthy category.....decide who your mortal

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just to date my old days, we spent enormous amount of time buying the right heard it right....relative value was a true skill set......but today you would accept that it was a moronic exercise in information.....the same applies for

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I like momentum investing for one simple is my counterweight to religious investing....factor investing is a significant part of that religious investing.....

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Egghead will cite 50 year evidence...and feel good about it....and the rest of us look at the outcome and say are you kidding me....this is what we left on the table....and you want me to feel good about yeah...there we are

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Global investing has been a good outcome for everyone else than US investors.....for obvious reasons....and it has hurt us investors more because they are more religious about their the the investing doctrine propagated by US academia....

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every time someone asks me, are you buying small caps....i say why...i did that for 30 years, where has that gotten me....then they tell me about Fama French nonsense...if that isn't religiosity I don't know what is

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I don't think people truly appreciate the confluence of financilization of savings globally....and the old factor investing paradigm.....the world has changed....not just here..the world over....but it is very difficult for us to move beyond 50 year old academic work.....if it

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You know the part I hate the most about investment theoreticians....their moral and theoretical certitude .....despite the fact that things haven't worked out according to God's plan for decades...not years...not a decade or two....decades

Krishna Memani (@krishnamemani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When it is OPM, you can think in the abstract...benchmark...acwi is the opportunity set etc....but when it is your own money, it is about what have I been thinking...fir decades....nay be u should reexamine my assumptions and beliefs....