Camille Nelson Kotton
Transplant Infectious Diseases physician @MGH, former CDC ACIP member, passionate about vaccines and stomping out CMV, opinions =own
ID: 1137547202018942977 09-06-2019 02:29:22
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Thanks, Jodian Pinkney - very interesting work that informs how we should consider and plan our vaccination education efforts.
Happy to share our new solid organ transplant & CMV educational video made with Emily Blumberg Yoichiro Natori Michael Green and Debbie Levine with support from Kamada - we answer lots of cutting edge questions
Excited to have the newest version published - appreciate the teamwork with many including Raymund Razonable Dr Roy Chemaly Yoichiro Natori - Consensus Definitions of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection and Disease in Transplant Patients…
Nice work, congratulations Shyam Bansal!!
Explainer for current US Covid wave and action plan With links to work by Prof. Shane Crotty The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) JWeiland Prof. Akiko Iwasaki Trisha Greenhalgh Ziyad Al-Aly, MD Bernie Sanders Test Account #LongCovid [Sorry, link is in my profile because it is otherwise X-suppressed]
Invasive fungal disease in the immunocompromised host: changing epidemiology, new antifungal therapies and management challenges EFISG incl M Giannella, Lanternier Fanny, Sarah Dellière Andreas Groll Nic Mueller Ana Alastruey monica slavin…
You’re invited to join IgG4ward! and Dr. Camille Nelson Kotton, MD, an infectious disease specialist at the MassGeneral News hospital, for our next Fireside Chat on Thursday, August 22, at 9 a.m. EST. You can register for the webinar here: