Konrad Nesteruk
Instructor in Radiation Oncology at Harvard Medical School and Proton Therapy Physicist at Massachusetts General Hospital @MGHCancerCenter Lab: @NesterukLab
ID: 2201262378
https://nesteruk-lab.mgh.harvard.edu 18-11-2013 12:53:08
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It's official! I am excited to share we have received the NoA of an R01, converted to the prestigious R37 MERIT from NIH nick to develop technology for compact and ultra-fast dose delivery system in proton therapy. Mass General Cancer Center University of Melbourne Pyramid Technical Consultants A/Prof. Suzie Sheehy Dr Jacinta Yap

🌟🌟🌟🌟We are excited to welcome Liam and Mislav to the Harvard Med Phys residency program! #medphysmatch

Dr. Anthony Zeitman Mass General Brigham & Dr. Ed Smith @TheChristieNHX on PT past & present. Dr. Zeitman traces UK & US proton history and Dr. Smith speaks to access: “We must get PT centers closer to where people already get care.” Dr. Helen Shih Mass General Brigham moderates. #2024NPC

It was a great pleasure talking to you Michael Marash at #2024NPC ! National Association for Proton Therapy P-Cure Ltd

Together with my fellow editors, Drs. Ben Clasie and Suzie Sheehy A/Prof. Suzie Sheehy, we are pleased to announce the launch of a research topic focused on technology developments in proton therapy. We aim to explore current advancements and ideas. frontiersin.org/research-topic…

Excited to attend and speak at the UPRIGHT Radiotherapy & Imaging Research Consortium meeting in Glasgow that has just kicked off. Tracy Underwood

Thank you Mass General Brigham Innovation for the opportunity to participate in the fantastic “Commercialization & Inclusive Leadership Program”. #CILP

Amazing talk by Mislav Bobić Mislav Bobić summarizing our recent multi-institutional experimental study of online proton therapy workflows RAPTOR Consortium Mass General Cancer Center PSI Paul Scherrer Institut doi.org/10.1088/1361-6…

Welcome Emerging Leaders of Academic Medical Physics to Madison! Julianne Pollard-Larkin, PhD Awesome energy and great advocates for each other! #ELAMP2024

It takes a village of dedicated professional faculty, staff, students and visiting keynote lecturers to pull off something like #ELAMP2024 Congratulations, you are the leaders that make other leaders! UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics UW School of Medicine and Public Health