Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile
Jenny Knight


Author, writer, editor, etc. Kit de Waal's #CommonPeople #ACE #TLC Ed & Dev Ed @JerichoWriters Assoc Artist @WritersCentre Ig &🪡 @jennyaknight bsk@jennyknight

ID: 2515859977

calendar_today22-05-2014 16:43:27

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Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The air is scented with cut wheat on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, and a combine just chugged past that *might* do the field at the back today. And suddenly I’m 8yo again, wrapping a scarf round my face to sit on a blue, open-air Ransomes with my dad.. 🌾#FarmLife

The air is scented with cut wheat on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, and a combine just chugged past that *might* do the field at the back today. And suddenly I’m 8yo again, wrapping a scarf round my face to sit on a blue, open-air Ransomes with my dad.. 🌾#FarmLife
Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Not even sure there’s still a #BookTwitter but even if it’s howling into the void I have exciting news incoming - here’s where I had an excellent muffin between meetings yesterday..

Not even sure there’s still a #BookTwitter but even if it’s howling into the void I have exciting news incoming - here’s where I had an excellent muffin between meetings yesterday..
Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘to smell colour’ It’s stayed with me since I read it and it brought Ireland with it 💚 From the brilliant Sinéad Gleeson ‘Hagstone’ #BookTwitter

‘to smell colour’

It’s stayed with me since I read it and it brought Ireland with it 💚

From the brilliant <a href="/sineadgleeson/">Sinéad Gleeson</a> ‘Hagstone’  #BookTwitter
Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The last of the harvesting near me - and every time I see it I am a kid again, grazing my ankles on stubble and crazing my dad to let me have one last go on the combine.. 🌾 #FarmLife

The last of the harvesting near me - and every time I see it I am a kid again, grazing my ankles on stubble and crazing my dad to let me have one last go on the combine.. 🌾 #FarmLife
Taj Ali (@taj_ali1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Because too often it isn't. Just 8% of people in film and TV come from a working-class background compared to 60% from upper-middle-class backgrounds. Journalism has a similar problem. It means the stories of working-class communities are rarely accurately or adequately told.

Val McDermid (@valmcdermid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘Talent is classless’: bold project launched to create centre for writing in north-east England…

Irish Literary Times (@irishlittimes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

That seems to me to be the point of literature: to reveal the extraordinary in the ordinary. I speak to my students of that often while reminding them how extraordinary it is to be living on a planet rotating on its axis at 1699 km/hr while hurtling through space at 107000 km/hr.

Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Went for a walk, world’s cutest mouse ran out in front of me and started eating lunch. Couldn’t believe it didn’t see me (until it did)..

Jenny Knight (@knightjennyk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Someone’s given me this. I’ve read a lot of Irish lit this year and loved it. Also read a few Booker winners I didn’t vibe with, and I’m a bit put off by the lack of paragraphs… thoughts, please, #BookTwitter?

Someone’s given me this. I’ve read a lot of Irish lit this year and loved it. Also read a few Booker winners I didn’t vibe with, and I’m a bit put off by the lack of paragraphs… thoughts, please, #BookTwitter?
CuckfieldBookFest (@cuckfieldbf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join wordsmith Adam Sharp for an entertaining show blending stand-up and excerpts from his book as he journeys around the world in idioms, proverbs and general nonsense. Tickets are available from