Jacqui@KindConditioning (@kindconditionin) 's Twitter Profile


Taking care of your body is the ultimate expression of being kind to yourself.

Mitochondria fan girl. Whole foods/low-carb/keto. Exercise. Sunshine.

ID: 1615405252919918594

linkhttp://kindconditioning.com calendar_today17-01-2023 17:46:53

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The Free Press (@thefp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The U.S. subsidizes sugar by $1 billion a year, and American kids’ daily sugar intake is far too high. We’re unpacking the policy and culture around food that led to a health crisis for our kids. Listen to Ep. 3 of Raising Parents with Emily Oster: thefp.pub/4e9j6gG

Dr. Jason Fung (@drjasonfung) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Holy Crap. Pharma companies paid over $1 Billion from 2020-2022 to influence medical literature. Billion, with a B. That explains a lot. jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…

Holy Crap. Pharma companies paid over $1 Billion from 2020-2022 to influence medical literature. Billion, with a B. That explains a lot. jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…
Kristie Leong M.D. (@drkristieleong) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shift your perspective from aesthetic goals to celebrating what your body can do. Have you increased your walking distance or push-up count? If you have been monitoring cholesterol levels or blood sugar, take note of positive changes. Don't focus TOO much on physical appearance.

Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD (@zoeharcombe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Harcombe/Kendrick vs Associated Newspapers... I'm delighted to say it's finally over! 5.5 years after the articles were published, they are down and an apology has been made. Thank you SO much to everyone who made this even possible - especially Claire & Dominic at Carter-Ruck

Harcombe/Kendrick vs Associated Newspapers...
I'm delighted to say it's finally over!
5.5 years after the articles were published, they are down and an apology has been made.
Thank you SO much to everyone who made this even possible - especially Claire & Dominic at Carter-Ruck
Nina Teicholz, PhD (@bigfatsurprise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Groundbreaking case! Court ruled that the Sunday Mail defamed two experts (MD & PhD) who made claims that satins cause harm. The Mail was forced to issue an apology. This means that UK media will need to be far more wary of writing one-sided 'hit' articles in the future. The

Groundbreaking case! Court ruled that the Sunday Mail defamed two experts (MD & PhD) who made claims that satins cause harm. The Mail was forced to issue an apology. 
This means that UK media will need to be far more wary of writing one-sided 'hit' articles in the future.
Elie Jarrouge, MD (@eliejarrougemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here are some inconvenient questions for conventional doctors and dietitians to ponder: If type 2 diabetes is irreversible, why do people normalize their HbA1c and come off medications by adopting low-carb or ketogenic diets? If fatty liver is caused by dietary fat, why do

Mind Muscle Project (@mindmusclepro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What to eat if you are suffering from Diabetes? Diabetes (T2D) is basically advance stage Insulin Resistance. Insulin Resistance is a state where your body doesn't respond to hormone Insulin as well as it should aka body loses Insulin sensitivity. The first line of action for

What to eat if you are suffering from Diabetes?

Diabetes (T2D) is basically advance stage Insulin Resistance.

Insulin Resistance is a state where your body doesn't respond to hormone Insulin as well as it should aka body loses Insulin sensitivity.

The first line of action for
FOND | Regenerative Bone Broth (@fondbonebroth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Creating a healthy home environment is key to supporting overall well-being. Reducing toxic chemicals and opting for natural alternatives can make a big difference. For a toxin-free kitchen: • Stainless steel pans: Avoid harmful coatings like Teflon. • Glass Tupperware: A

Creating a healthy home environment is key to supporting overall well-being.
Reducing toxic chemicals and opting for natural alternatives can make a big difference.

For a toxin-free kitchen:

• Stainless steel pans: Avoid harmful coatings like Teflon.
• Glass Tupperware: A
Nina Teicholz, PhD (@bigfatsurprise) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud and honored to emcee the first-ever rally for metabolic health, in Washington, DC on the grounds of the Washington Monument yesterday. Such a fantastic group of speakers, super-committed volunteers. And the leadership of Jess Apple--what a star! #Metrev #metabolicrevolution

Proud and honored to emcee the first-ever rally for metabolic health, in Washington, DC on the grounds of the Washington Monument yesterday. Such a fantastic group of speakers, super-committed volunteers. And the leadership of <a href="/jessapple/">Jess Apple</a>--what a star!
#Metrev #metabolicrevolution
CrowdHealthCarnivore | Crowd-funded Healthcare (@carnivorecrowd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is a concerted effort to push our society to believe that ultra-processed foods are healthy. The more processed food we eat, the sicker we become. The sicker we become, the more money goes to Big Pharma, hospitals, and health insurance companies.

There is a concerted effort to push our society to believe that ultra-processed foods are healthy.

The more processed food we eat, the sicker we become.

The sicker we become, the more money goes to Big Pharma, hospitals, and health insurance companies.
DoctorTro (@doctortro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are launching $50 dollar CGMs nationwide (must by 2 at a time) No prescription. No HSA accounts. No hassles. Thats the tweet.

Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD (@zoeharcombe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And when the jobless given weight loss jabs have pancreatitis, kidney failure, retinopathy, thyroid cancer, blood clots, stomach paralysis and/or permanent vision loss - what then?

And when the jobless given weight loss jabs have pancreatitis, kidney failure, retinopathy, thyroid cancer, blood clots, stomach paralysis and/or permanent vision loss - what then?
Chris Palmer, MD (@chrispalmermd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New data indicate rising mortality in the US—primarily from mental health conditions and metabolic diseases. Why is this happening, and what can we do? It's time to tackle the root causes. The future of health depends on it. newsletter.brainenergy.com/rising-mortali…

Chris Palmer, MD (@chrispalmermd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is disheartening to hear from people around the world with treatment-resistant epilepsy who first learn about the ketogenic diet as a treatment option from me, rather than from their neurologists. Evidence-based medicine requires knowledge of the evidence.