Kigo - Unlocking Open Loyalty
Leading the new era of Open Loyalty by expanding and enhancing existing engagement programs with digital assets.
ID: 1659205952342732800
https://kigo.io 18-05-2023 14:35:17
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Check out the excellent coverage from Minne Inno on Kigo - Unlocking Open Loyalty's launch 🎊 bizjournals.com/twincities/inn…

Kigo's own Peter Schultze will be leading a conversation on how blockchain unlocks new customer connections and community experiences in a new era of Open Loyalty™. May 31st, 6:30 PM. Peep the details here 👀eventbrite.com/e/crypto-pring… MN Blockchain Initiative #connections #loyalty #nft

Kigo CEO Peter Schultze just wrapped a fantastic talk on how financial institutions, brands and employers can amplify and extend the impact of loyalty and engagement platforms with digital assets. Thanks to MN Blockchain Initiative for putting on such a stellar event! #crypto #loyalty #nft

"[Blockchain] allows for more ownership, more personalization, more sharing, more collaboration across brands, and things that weren't previously possible." Kigo - Unlocking Open Loyalty CEO chats with Minne Inno on #blockchain enhancing brand #loyalty. bizjournals.com/twincities/inn…

Augeo subsidiary Kigo - Unlocking Open Loyalty announces its acquisition of Entertainment Coupons. This strategic alliance advances Kigo’s mission to transform consumer engagement through Open Loyalty™ innovation and dynamic digital experiences on a hyper-local & national level: augeomarketing.com/press-releases…