Kieran O'Donnell PhD
Perinatal mental health, -omics, child development….from the west of Ireland to New Haven (via London & Montreal).
ID: 1323683210577039360
03-11-2020 17:47:44
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Such cool science and a really nice summary! Congrats Tomás Ryan Ryan Lab and Sarah Power

Awesome science…as usual from Konnikova lab !!

If you are a parent read this 👇…and if you are a scientist, educator, physician or policy maker you should read this…nice work Candice Odgers bringing evidence to the table to reassure parents while calling for action to support young people. 👏

This was a fun start to the day! Great to hear the origins story of other Global Health @ Yale faculty networks. As I said today there is lots of space at the table for anyone who wants to join Yale BEGIN! medicine.yale.edu/yigh/faculty-s…

What a privilege to have Dr. Chris Walsh join us in for Grand Rounds next Tuesday Yale Child Study Center (1-2pm Cohen auditorium). Come learn about how our DNA isn’t quite identical in each of our cells and why that matters for mental health: fascinating science! medicine.yale.edu/childstudy/eve…

Fantastic talk today: Yale Child Study Center #GrandRounds, Harvard Medical School's and Boston Children's's Christopher Walsh, MD, PhD (ChrisAWalsh) will be discussing somatic mosaic mutations in neuropsychiatric disorders 🧬🔬 Hosted by Flora Vaccarino. We hope to see you there at 1pm 🕐!

So grateful to Burroughs Wellcome Fund for their deep commitment to advancing pregnancy health, and honoured to be part of this initiative!

What a year it has been for Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds…so much awesome science! & it’s not over yet: Join us at 1pm today for an extra special Grand Rounds by Prof. John Pachankis who will deliver this years Viola Bernard Lecture on LGBT-affirmative mental healthcare. Don’t miss it!

Such elegant, rigorous, and impressive work…congrats Jessie Muir and Rose Bagot 👏 👏

Thank you Erica, Josh, Sergio, Catherine and the United Airlines UA121 crew from BCN-EWR today. This was the longest flight of our 1yr old’s life and we weren’t sure how it would go. You made us feel like family, and our return home was a flight to remember for all the right reasons!