Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected]
Epistemologist by day, vampire slayer by night | book: Who Should We Be Online? A Social Epistemology for The Internet (OUP Jan 2023) | she/her
ID: 51969456
http://karenfrost-arnold.com 29-06-2009 05:21:44
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I really enjoyed chatting with Robert Talisse about my book for the New Books in Philosophy podcast! newbooksnetwork.com/who-should-we-…
Here’s the latest NB Philosophy 📚 episode: I speak with Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected] about her terrific new Oxford Philosophy book WHO SHOULD WE BE ONLINE? newbooksnetwork.com/who-should-we-…
Join our upcoming Twitter Space with Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected]! #MediaInfoLiteracy #MILyouthNg
CFP is already open in Revista Daimon for next year monographic issue on ‘Diversity and deliberation in digital contexts’👇👇👇 revistas.um.es/daimon/announc… SEFA Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica Grupo de investigación METIS (LHFC-UNED) FiloLab | UGR Valencia Philosophy Lab AeFPE (Filosofía, Política y Economía) Metaprodes
El próximo martes 16 de enero tenemos seminario con Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected] en torno a su libro sobre epistemología de las redes sociales 👇👇👇 Fundación BBVA Facultad HCD UC3M
Daniel Barbarrusa ha organizado este seminario sobre agencia en contextos digitales, será en Sevilla la próxima semana 👇👇👇 Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected] Manuel Almagro Holgado Universidad de Sevilla Fundación BBVA
CFP ‘Deliberation in digital contexts’ Revista Daimon Fundación BBVA SEFA Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica Facultad HCD UC3M Instituto de Filosofía (CSIC) Grupo de investigación METIS (LHFC-UNED) Metaprodes the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley Gonzalo Velasco María Luengo Cruz Francisco Seoane Pérez
This book finally exists! There were times when I thought it would never happen, but several people, including Richard Zach and Dirk Schlimm, gave me and Steve Awodey absolutely necessary help at crucial moments—thanks to them, and everyone else who helped us!
Acaba de publicarse el número monográfico de Revista Daimon coordinado desde nuestro proyecto de investigación Fundación BBVA 📣📣📣🎉🎉🎉📣📣 Servicio de Investigación UC3M Facultad HCD UC3M Karen Frost-Arnold [email protected] revistas.um.es/daimon
Excited to read this special issue on Diversity and Deliberation in Digital Contexts! Thanks so much to Antonio Gaitán for organizing the series of comments on my book. I learned so much from the pieces by Antonio Gaitán, Gonzalo Velasco, Lola Medina Vizuete, and Beatriz Jordá