Kenshu Koiso / 小磯堅秀
PhD candidate at Peter De Weerd lab at Maastricht University, NL; Neuroscience with (f)MRI, layer-fMRI, visual surface perception, illusion, attention
ID: 1383766690341691399
18-04-2021 12:58:04
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Today 25 years ago, the first fMRI study got published that imposed layers on human MR images. By @Northernthrux… It took another 8 years until the first layer profiles (plot of fMRI signal across layers). (Looking at layer-fMRI history with Faruk Gulban )
There is a new blog post (book chapter) that provides an overview methods for computing geometric layers and columns. AKA: Layerficiation and Columnarization. It includes: Historical aspects, the layer-fMRI field now, and the future. By Faruk Gulban
New layer-fMRI paper looking into imaginary and perceived faces. By Tony Carricarte et al.…
Day 2 of brainhack started with the #unconference! Here is Faruk Gulban giving a talk exploring MRI phase images and coining the phrase “phase jolt” - don’t trash your phase data, recycle! ♻️ #hackathon #OHBM_Brainhack_2024
🧠Come check out our layer-fMRI poster #2554 at OHBM today and tomorrow!🧲 *Feedback and feedforward laminar modulation of human motion perception: a 7 T fMRI study* Faruk Gulban layerfMRI Judith Peters Rainer Goebel #OHBM24
Two new assistant professor positions at the cognitive neuroscience department Maastricht Uni FPN Come join us! More details in the link below!…
You feel something is physically moving during a bistable illusion. While your brain can trick your eyes 👀, it cannot trick our scanner🧲 Our 7T fMRI results show a distinct feedback modulation between V1 & hMT+ in this illusion👇 Faruk Gulban layerfMRI Judith Peters Rainer Goebel