Keith Kocher (@kekocher) 's Twitter Profile
Keith Kocher


dad + spouse to @s2beriโ”‚ER doc @UMichiganEM @VAAnnArbor + scientist @UM_IHPI @VA_CCMRโ”‚lead @medic_qiโ”‚improving emergency care performance for allโ”‚build not burn

ID: 2584323672

link calendar_today23-06-2014 17:30:01

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Michelle P. Lin, MD, MPH (@drmichellelin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud to share our work applying quality measures to reduce EM health disparities by stratifying existing measures & developing new measures in key gap areas Hazar Khidir MD Arjun Amber Sabbatini, MD, MPH Keith Kocher Rama Salhi Aisha Terry AnnalsofEM ACEP Membersโ€ฆ

Alex Janke (@alexjankemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our latest work, out of the #VenkateshLab. โ€œTrends In Treat-and-Release Emergency Care Visits With High-Intensity Billing In The US, 2006-19โ€ ๐Ÿงตโ€ฆ Arjun Michelle P. Lin, MD, MPH Keith Kocher Cameron Gettel MD MHS Ryan Koski-Vacirca 1/8

Keith Kocher (@kekocher) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oh boy, my read on this thread: weโ€™re effectively returning to the backward state we used to be in. X-waiver gone in name only. Just replacing 1 barrier with another. Whose interests are we protecting here?โ€”definitely not patients!

Keith Kocher (@kekocher) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This 3 minute video from author accompanying editorial Annals of Int Med is priceless! As a pathologist, he apologizes to clinicians for contributing to the โ€œdaily digital fatigueโ€ from the 20 lines of mostly useless info in a standard CBC with differential:โ€ฆ

Chad M Brummett (@drchadb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to present work of OPEN and Michigan Emergency Dept Improvement Collaborative standing up a statewide #naloxone distribution in 31 #Michigan emergency departments to ensure patient-centered post-overdose treatment. Thanks to Keith Kocher & Gina Dahlem, PhD, RN for collaborationโ€ฆ

Excited to present work of <a href="/michigan_open/">OPEN</a> and <a href="/medic_qi/">Michigan Emergency Dept Improvement Collaborative</a> standing up a statewide #naloxone distribution in 31 #Michigan emergency departments to ensure patient-centered post-overdose treatment. Thanks to <a href="/kekocher/">Keith Kocher</a> &amp; Gina Dahlem, PhD, RN for collaborationโ€ฆ
Kathleen Li, MD MS (@kathylimd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tele-emergency care (phone OR video visit with an ER doc) decreased ED visits by nearly half (35%->18%) among Veterans calling nurse triage and recommended to be seen within 24 hours.

AEM Journal (@academicemermed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A study from @kathylimd, Keith Kocher provides evidence for #emergency care #telemedicine: new study finds pilot program for Veterans cut ED visits in half, โ†“ costs and admissions. Read @ #AEM #EM #Veterans Veterans Affairs

A study from @kathylimd, <a href="/kekocher/">Keith Kocher</a> provides evidence for #emergency care #telemedicine: new study finds pilot program for Veterans cut ED visits in half, โ†“ costs and admissions.
Read @ 
#AEM #EM #Veterans <a href="/DeptVetAffairs/">Veterans Affairs</a>
Chad M Brummett (@drchadb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to host Scott Weiner from Mass General Brigham for the Michigan Research #Opioid Research Institute to discuss the past, present and future of opioids and opioid #overdose Sept 22. Register below!

Excited to host <a href="/ScottWeinerMD/">Scott Weiner</a> from <a href="/MassGenBrigham/">Mass General Brigham</a> for the <a href="/UMichResearch/">Michigan Research</a> #Opioid Research Institute to discuss the past, present and future of opioids and opioid #overdose Sept 22. Register below!
Edmund Kwok (@eddeestyle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When trying to find adverse events in healthcare, we know trigger tools are better than spotty manual review. Leveraging EMRs weโ€™ve validated an electronic emergency department trigger tool (EDTT) across multiple sites!โ€ฆ