InteR-Pol Lab (@keeleinterpol) 's Twitter Profile
InteR-Pol Lab


Intergroup Relations and Political Behaviour Lab: We research the social psychology of political behaviour in the wild at @KeeleUniversity

ID: 1195821875731091463

calendar_today16-11-2019 21:52:15

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400 Following

Keele Psychology (@keelepsychology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shout out to #KeelePsychology people and InteR-Pol Lab lab members Ertuğrul Gazi Eraslan and Büşra Kızık presenting their research last week in Athens at #ISPP2022, a meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. ISPP #psychology #politicalpsychology

Shout out to #KeelePsychology people and <a href="/KeeleInterpol/">InteR-Pol Lab</a> lab members <a href="/GaziEraslan/">Ertuğrul Gazi Eraslan</a> and  <a href="/busrakizikk/">Büşra Kızık</a> presenting their research last week in Athens at #ISPP2022, a meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology. 

<a href="/PolPsyISPP/">ISPP</a> #psychology #politicalpsychology
InteR-Pol Lab (@keeleinterpol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Unique Funded PhD Opportunity with the lab leader Huseyin Cakal to investigate basic intergroup processes (social identity, contact, threats) as antecedents of mental health among indigenous tribes who has no/very limited contact with the outside/modern World. Please share

Huseyin Cakal (@huseyinc1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oportunidad única de doctorado financiado conmigo para investigar los procesos intergrupales básicos (identidad social, contacto, amenazas) como antecedentes de la salud mental entre las tribus indígenas sin contacto/ con un contacto muy limitado con el mundo exterior/moderno.

Dr. Benjamin Abrams (@bdmabrams) 's Twitter Profile Photo

IT'S HERE! I'm thrilled that I can finally share the cover image for THE RISE OF THE MASSES with everyone. Thanks to UChicagoPress for all the time and effort spent on its design. I'm very happy with it indeed.

IT'S HERE!  I'm thrilled that I can finally share the cover image for THE RISE OF THE MASSES with everyone. 

Thanks to <a href="/UChicagoPress/">UChicagoPress</a> for all the time and effort spent on its design. I'm very happy with it indeed.
InteR-Pol Lab (@keeleinterpol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper by lab leader Huseyin Cakal and lab member Halime Unver-Aba and Iranian colleagues Saeed Keshavarzi Ali , and… is out on Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

Johanna Ray Vollhardt ( (@jorayvo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next Monday, March 27th, Dr. Ana Figueiredo will present virtually on "Coloniality, Power and Resistance during Militarization Periods: The Mapuche in Chile", followed by a discussion. Abstract, registration link, and more info on the series in the 🧵! (1/5)

Next Monday, March 27th, Dr. Ana Figueiredo will present virtually on "Coloniality, Power and Resistance during Militarization Periods: The Mapuche in Chile", followed by a discussion. Abstract, registration link, and more info on the series in the 🧵! (1/5)
Huseyin Cakal (@huseyinc1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper in Scientific Reports @dardush22 Charis Psaltis Oded Adomi Leshem PICR Lab - Prof. Eran Halperin Across 6 studies (Ntotal = 119,671) and two unrelated intractable conflicts in Israel/Palestine and Cyprus, we found that (1) younger (compared to older) generations from

InteR-Pol Lab (@keeleinterpol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lab leader Huseyin Cakal will be giving a talk (in spanish) on mental health among social leaders and art as a mental health tool based on our UKRI funded project -Co-Creating A Mental Health Model PPColombia at our partnering university Pontifical Javerian University