Kasit Chatsirisupachai
@EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow at the Genome Biology Unit @EMBL Heidelberg
ID: 895916414166474752
11-08-2017 07:54:53
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Quantitative biology folks - this conference is for you! Join us EMBL Events for the #QBMM conference in November. Stellar line up - 20 abstract selected talks. embl.org/about/info/cou… w Lacra Bintu Tineke Lenstra Savitski Lab Hartland Jackson

Did you ever wonder how transcription initiation compares between flies and mammals? The project that started as my master thesis in Arnaud Krebs lab, was continued by Kasit Chatsirisupachai is now out on BioRXiv: biorxiv.org/content/10.110…. Read his summary below: