Knoah Carver
ID: 920111654028959744
17-10-2017 02:18:07
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A draw the charge 3 pack Knoah Carver Cape Fear Men’s Basketball JucoRecruiting.com JUCOadvocate - Brandon Goble

Knoah Carver Keep Going

🚨Attention 4 Year Coaches🚨 KNOAH CARVER SOPHMORE REGULAR SEASON HIGHLIGHTS Knoah Carver 6”4 180 GUARD 15 PPG 44% from 3 Elite Shooter/High Academic/Team Leader Highlights: hudl.com/video/3/168913…

It use to be no books no basketball. Today they’ve thrown away the book part. Now it’s all balls. Congrats Knoah Carver thank you Mark Lane 🇨🇦 for the glorious opportunity 💙