Kayla Keyue Chen (@kayla_k_chen) 's Twitter Profile
Kayla Keyue Chen


陈珂月 | PhD student @LinguisticsUCL @UCLPALS, psycholinguistics, sentence processing, prediction

ID: 770791786688020480

linkhttp://keyue-c.github.io calendar_today31-08-2016 01:14:17

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Kayla Keyue Chen (@kayla_k_chen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Really had a great time at #AMLaP2024! Thank you for everyone's valuable comments and suggestions!! The slides for my talk can be found here: keyue-c.github.io/assets/pdf/con… Our poster (Yiling Huo) on coregistration of eye and mouse tracking also won one of the best student poster prizes 🌞

Really had a great time at #AMLaP2024! Thank you for everyone's valuable comments and suggestions!! The slides for my talk can be found here: keyue-c.github.io/assets/pdf/con… Our poster (<a href="/YlHuo/">Yiling Huo</a>) on coregistration of eye and mouse tracking also won one of the best student poster prizes 🌞
Lyn Tieu (@lyn_tieu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out our new short paper on how people integrate visual (gaze) and linguistic (determiner) cues when interpreting demonstratives (bonus: features a very cute alien named Waba Waba!) drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/docum…

Check out our new short paper on how people integrate visual (gaze) and linguistic (determiner) cues when interpreting demonstratives (bonus: features a very cute alien named Waba Waba!) drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/docum…
Marco Calabria (@marco_calabria) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are excited to announce the XVII International Symposium on #Psycholinguistics, which will take place in #Barcelona! Hosted by Universitat de Barcelona and UOCuniversitat 🗓️May 26 to 28, 2025. 📩 [email protected] Follow us: ISP Abstract submission will open soon—stay tuned!

We are excited to announce the XVII International Symposium on #Psycholinguistics, which will take place in #Barcelona! Hosted by <a href="/UniBarcelona/">Universitat de Barcelona</a> and <a href="/UOCuniversitat/">UOCuniversitat</a>
🗓️May 26 to 28, 2025. 
📩 isp17bcn@gmail.com
Follow us: <a href="/ISPsycholing/">ISP</a>
Abstract submission will open soon—stay tuned!
Efthymia Kapnoula (@effiekapnoula) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨Postdoc opportunity The Spoken Language group BCBL aims to sponsor a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral fellow in the upcoming call (expected in Dec) Info about group: bcbl.eu/en/research/re… Info about the position and application process: tinyurl.com/uarf2ssh Please RT!

Viktor Kewenig (@viktorkewenig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For example, you can imagine that the word "love" is more tenable when you see people kissing vs. when it's discussed in a "displaced" context... aaand this is exactly what we see ! Abstract words become concrete when situated, concrete words become abstract when displaced.

For example, you can imagine that the word "love" is more tenable when you see people kissing vs. when it's discussed in a "displaced" context... 

aaand this is exactly what we see ! Abstract words become concrete when situated, concrete words become abstract when displaced.
Matt Goldrick (@mattgoldrick) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Three (!) open rank(!) tenured/tenure-track positions: high-level vision; 2) interaction of language and vision; 3) language, Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins apply.interfolio.com/155270

Sanghee J. Kim (@sanghee__kim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Work with Language Processing Lab @ UChicago on processing appositive (ARCs) vs. restrictive relative clauses (RRCs) is out: doi.org/10.1111/cogs.1… ARCs typically contain side-commentary info; does a distractor in an ARC lead to an absence of agreement attraction effect? (1/8)

Work with <a href="/UChicagoLangLab/">Language Processing Lab @ UChicago</a> on processing appositive (ARCs) vs. restrictive relative clauses (RRCs) is out: doi.org/10.1111/cogs.1… ARCs typically contain side-commentary info; does a distractor in an ARC lead to an absence of agreement attraction effect? (1/8)
SEPEX (@sepex13) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Funded Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Positions at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (San Sebastian, Spain) websepex.com/2024/09/26/fun…

Funded Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Positions at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (San Sebastian, Spain) websepex.com/2024/09/26/fun…
Mariam Aly (@mariam_s_aly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Does encoding the present compete with predicting the future? In 3 behavioral studies, we find that encoding and prediction are coupled, not competitive! Proud of Craig Poskanzer & Hannah Tarder-Stoll for leading this work w/ Raheema Javid & Edoardo Spolaore! osf.io/preprints/psya…

Ana Vilotijević (@vilotijevic_ana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very happy to share that our (with Cogsci.nl) Registered Report is now accepted in CORTEX ! We tested whether covertly attending to bright/ dark patches still causes a pupil response even if the patches have faded from visual awareness.

Very happy to share that our (with <a href="/cogscinl/">Cogsci.nl</a>) Registered Report is now accepted in <a href="/CORTEXjournal/">CORTEX</a> ! We tested whether covertly attending to bright/ dark patches still causes a pupil response even if the patches have faded from visual awareness.
Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A computational psycholinguistics workshop is in planning (organized by @[email protected], Jakub Dotlacil (Utrecht), and Lena Jäger (Zurich). If you are interested in participating, please fill out this very short questionnaire: docs.google.com/forms/d/1oyxfK…

Aine Ito | 伊藤愛音 (@aine_ito) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The registration for the AMLaP Asia 2024 conference is now open! The conference programme is available on the conference website: blog.nus.edu.sg/amlapasia2024/ Early registration will close on the 31st of October. We look forward to seeing you in Singapore!🌴🏖️☀️

Aine Ito | 伊藤愛音 (@aine_ito) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The first paper is out from our special issue on individual differences in language prediction🥳 Yanina Prystauka et al. tested the role of cognitive control and linguistic knowledge in heritage speakers' predictive processing - very cool work! link.springer.com/article/10.100…

Anna Krason (@annakrason) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to share that our work on conflict adaptation is now published in ASHA Journals! We showed that people with aphasia can benefit from cognitive control upregulation during speech comprehension, though the effect varies by individual. @malathi_neurolang MRRI - follow us also @MossResearch.bsky.social Jefferson Research

Ryan Hubbard (@bosscillations) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cool new paper out with some surprising results: 1) lingering predictions of words impact implicit memory judgments and 2) somehow this effect persists when testing is done 24 hours later. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Marius Peelen (@mariuspeelen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to share our latest work! We found that preparatory neural activity (the “attentional template”) flexibly represents target-associated objects, guiding eye movements toward likely target locations. Maëlle Lerebourg Donders Institute Science Advances science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…