Kay Chronister
Author of THIN PLACES (2020), DESERT CREATURES (2022), & THE BOG WIFE (2024). updates account.
ID: 1608481669
http://kaychronister.com 20-07-2013 15:20:14
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Love this write-up about The Bog Wife in the new Literary Hub most anticipated books list. Kay Chronister lithub.com/lit-hubs-most-…

Philly area folks! On September 3rd, I'll be at Doylestown Bookshop with the wonderful Violet James McMaster celebrating the launch of Out of the Drowning Deep. Come join us! doylestownbookshop.com/acwise

Hot off the press and smelling faintly of crushed leaves and cinnamon donuts - the 26 must-read books of the fall curated by yours truly and ft. Kiersten White Rachel Harrison Tigest ☀️ preorder Immortal Dark 👀 Delilah S. Dawson has left the building Alexis Henderson M. L. Rio Colby Wilkens Preorder IF I STOPPED HAUNTING YOU & Sofia Ajram polygon.com/books/444069/b…

"As Brat Summer ends and we head into to #bogcore fall, you can pick up the latest from Kay Chronister and slowly sink into the peaty depths of a dense and inflammatory gothic." Two weeks until THE BOG WIFE hits shelves! crimereads.com/all-the-crime-…

I’m so excited about this upcoming event!! I’m doing my homework, preparing to have a fabulous discussion with Lindy Ryan is busy writing and Kay Chronister on October 2 at 6 at Doylestown Bookshop !! Please join us!

BOG 👏WIFE 👏fall 👏 get into it! Kay Chronister goes on tour next month...which event will we see you at? 👀

Kick off the spookiest time of the year with a brand new horror novel this October! Cat Delani spotlights her faves, including releases from Titan Books, Nightfire Books, Gallery Books, Tachyon Publications, and Shortwave Publishing! thefandomentals.com/start-spooky-s…

Enter for a chance to win a copy of @KayChronister's THE BOG WIFE via The StoryGraph! app.thestorygraph.com/giveaways/64a0…