Christina Katopodis, PhD
(she/her) Early & 19C Americanist, Mellon Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at @CUNY. Environmentalist, Feminist, Sound Recorder. English PhD from @GC_CUNY.
ID: 2370577693
https://christinakatopodis.com 03-03-2014 15:23:43
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This fabulous collection of essays on Emerson by Cornel West Jeffrey Insko 🐳🐬🐋 Meredith McGill Martha Schoolman Holly Jackson sari edelstein Dr. Brigitte Fielder Andrew Kopec Don James McLaughlin @lauralmielke Prentiss Clark Justine Murison and so many others IS OUT & this gets you 30% off its absurd price.

I'm super excited to launch the 10-Day Syllabus Challenge! Take a look, sign up, and transform your syllabus with me before the fall semester begins. In 10 days, your syllabus will empower students to take ownership of their education & change the world. christinakatopodis.com/syllabus-chall…

Take the 10-Day Syllabus Challenge to transform your syllabus! Devote 15-60 min a day for 2 weeks and your syllabus will be more student-centered, inviting, joyful, and help you cultivate an inclusive learning community. We start Aug 5. Register by Aug 1: christinakatopodis.com/syllabus-chall…

My syllabus looks so good, thanks to Christina Katopodis, PhD and Cate Denial.💜Everyone should take the 10-Day Syllabus Challenge and read Cate's new book!

Sssshh...here's a sneak preview of our 10th anniversary Futures Initiative Looking ahead (of course) not back: Futures of Teaching (Sep 23),Futures of Research (Nov 4), Futures of the Planet, Earth Day (April 24, 2025), Futures of Higher Ed (May 8). And then we party! The Graduate Center The City University of New York

Check out Cate Denial's syllabus resources and activities for the first day / week of classes! catherinedenial.org/blog/uncategor…

I'd love to speak to your class or campus about my new book OPEN ADMISSIONS, which tells the stories of the activist teacher-poets who taught at CUNY during the era of free college! Email or DM me! Duke University Press dukeupress.edu/open-admissions (Use code E24SVNCK for 30% off)

Congratulations to Futures Initiative on a stunning, inspiring annual report! Brava to all who made this! I am so honored to be on this team of amazing people. adashima Cathy Davidson Shelly Eversley

Yay! The New College Classroom, coauthored with the amazing Cathy Davidson, is now available in paperback! Just in time for the semester. So delighted to receive these in the mail and to see Danica Savonick & Margaret Fuller Society on the back cover! Harvard University Press

Christina Katopodis, PhD "Instead of replicating a majority-White professoriate, we can guide students through one of the most empow-ering, rigorous, & difficult intellectual processes of all: self-evaluation, a humanistic analysisthat begins & ends with their self-knowledge & ex-pertise" Katopodis).

Emerson is oft associated w/Transparent Eyeball & the visual. A less explored sense is his listening in nature. Check out my new chapter, "The 'Mute Music' in Emerson's Polarity," pub. in Oxford University Press Handbook on Emerson, ed. Chris Hanlon to learn more! bit.ly/47kLeeF

Join us in person at The Graduate Center on Sep 26 for an Futures Initiative event on "The Future of Learning" at 6-8pm in the Skylight Rm. Learn abt Shelly Eversley's Baruch College students' documentaries on climate change. You'll come away w/practical teaching tools! eventbrite.com/e/the-future-o…