Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile
Kate Mikhail


Sleep specialist. Author of Teach Yourself to Sleep. Psychotherapist. Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist. Masterclass tutor. Passionate about sleep 😴

ID: 143801855

linkhttps://www.katemikhail.com/ calendar_today14-05-2010 12:41:44

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256 Following

Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What stress busters do you use? We all need coping skills that work for us to offset day-to-day stressors – and to help us unwind & sleep deep, which reduces our stress response even more… #StressAwarenessDay #sleep #Mindset

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (@aasmorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In a new study in Nature Communications, researchers identified at least one potential link that locks sleep deprivation and chronic pain in an endless loop. ow.ly/CUh750QctwZ

In a new study in <a href="/NatureComms/">Nature Communications</a>, researchers identified at least one potential link that locks sleep deprivation and chronic pain in an endless loop.  ow.ly/CUh750QctwZ
New Scientist (@newscientist) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How exactly the placebo effect works is still a mystery, but neuroscientist Luana Colloca is working to find the answers in order to change the way we treat pain. newscientist.com/article/mg2613…

Neuroscience News (@neurosciencenew) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Relaxing Words Steer Sleep Quality Our bodies remain responsive to the external environment during sleep, particularly to auditory stimuli. In a new study, researchers found that hearing relaxing words during sleep can slow down cardiac activity, leading to deeper and higher

Relaxing Words Steer Sleep Quality

Our bodies remain responsive to the external environment during sleep, particularly to auditory stimuli. 

In a new study, researchers found that hearing relaxing words during sleep can slow down cardiac activity, leading to deeper and higher
Sleep Research Society (@researchsleep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that #brain cell activity during #sleep is responsible for propelling fluid into, through and out of the brain, cleaning it of debris. ow.ly/xocy50QKJ63 #neurons

Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quality day = quality sleep = quality day... our days & nights are intertwined. Exercise is just one of the things we can do in the day to improve the quality of our sleep #sleeptips #health SciTechDaily scitechdaily.com/new-research-r…

Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy World Sleep Day! 🎉😴Instead of worrying about the negatives of inadequate sleep, neuroscience shows you’re best off focusing on the rewards, to help you sleep easy – eg greater energy, charisma, health, cognitive function… #teachyourselftosleep #WorldSleepDay #insomnia

Happy World Sleep Day! 🎉😴Instead of worrying about the negatives of inadequate sleep, neuroscience shows you’re best off focusing on the rewards, to help you sleep easy – eg greater energy, charisma, health, cognitive function…
#teachyourselftosleep #WorldSleepDay #insomnia
National Sleep Foundation (@sleepfoundation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Healthy sleep is linked to improved emotional functioning in teens. Full stop. ➡️ NSF’s 2024 Sleep in America® Poll found that teens who get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep each night have lower levels of depressive symptoms.

Healthy sleep is linked to improved emotional functioning in teens. Full stop.

➡️ NSF’s 2024 Sleep in America® Poll found that teens who get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep each night have lower levels of depressive symptoms.
Sleep Research Society (@researchsleep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Managing #circadian rhythms through intense #light and chronologically timed therapy can help prevent or treat a variety of #circulatory system conditions including #heart disease, according to a new study from researchers at CU Anschutz Medical Campus. ow.ly/h49m50QVX9t

RSPB (@natures_voice) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, at 3.06am, the sun passed directly above the Earth's equator, marking the #SpringEquinox. From this day onward, our days will be longer than our nights. ☀️ 🌙

Today, at 3.06am, the sun passed directly above the Earth's equator, marking the #SpringEquinox.

From this day onward, our days will be longer than our nights. ☀️ 🌙
Neuroscience News (@neurosciencenew) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Mysteries of Dreams and Their Impact on Our Lives Researchers presented innovative studies on the nature and impact of dreams on our waking lives. They are uncovering how dreams are not just nighttime narratives but have profound effects on our daytime cognition and

The Mysteries of Dreams and Their Impact on Our Lives

Researchers presented innovative studies on the nature and impact of dreams on our waking lives. 

They are uncovering how dreams are not just nighttime narratives but have profound effects on our daytime cognition and
Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fascinating look at the medical use of Clinical Hypnosis: Past, Present & Future, at the Royal Society of Medicine. Thank you for such insightful talks on what this powerful technique can achieve! The Royal Society #clinicalhypnosis #hypnosis #health rsm.ac.uk/events/hypnosi…

Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My interview about Teach Yourself to Sleep, with Wellness Curated By Anshu Bahanda presenter Anshu Bahanda, is now part of the 'Best of Wellness Curated' series: Sleep issues and the science behind it: …scuratedbyanshubahanda.buzzsprout.com #Sleep #insomnia #sleeptip

My interview about Teach Yourself to Sleep, with <a href="/WellnessCurated/">Wellness Curated By Anshu Bahanda</a> presenter Anshu Bahanda, is now part of the 'Best of Wellness Curated' series: Sleep issues and the science behind it:
#Sleep  #insomnia #sleeptip
Neuroscience News (@neurosciencenew) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unlocking Sleep’s Role in Emotional Health Researchers shed new light on the critical role sleep plays in managing emotional memories. This extensive research synthesizes findings from neurobiology, neurochemistry, and clinical psychology to uncover why sleep is essential for

Unlocking Sleep’s Role in Emotional Health

Researchers shed new light on the critical role sleep plays in managing emotional memories. 

This extensive research synthesizes findings from neurobiology, neurochemistry, and clinical psychology to uncover why sleep is essential for
Neuroscience News (@neurosciencenew) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Brain Areas Take Micro-Naps While the Rest Stays Awake New research reveals that sleep can be detected by millisecond-long brain activity patterns, showing that small regions of the brain can take micro-naps while the rest of the brain stays awake, and vice versa. This study

Brain Areas Take Micro-Naps While the Rest Stays Awake

New research reveals that sleep can be detected by millisecond-long brain activity patterns, showing that small regions of the brain can take micro-naps while the rest of the brain stays awake, and vice versa. 

This study
Kate Mikhail (@katemikhail) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉 I’m so pleased to share that after an intensive and fascinating year of study (hence being extra quiet on social media), I'm now an integrative psychotherapist and a fully qualified cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist – specialising in sleep 😴 #sleep #health #mentalhealth

🎉 I’m so pleased to share that after an intensive and fascinating year of study (hence being extra quiet on social media), I'm now an integrative psychotherapist and a fully qualified cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist – specialising in sleep 😴
#sleep #health #mentalhealth