Catherine Mwaba (@kasongomwaba) 's Twitter Profile
Catherine Mwaba


I am a radiation and clinical oncologist, providing cancer care to cancer patients, to improve and prolong their lives. I champion quality cancer care for ALL

ID: 1855202522

calendar_today11-09-2013 19:10:08

121 Tweet


51 Following

Catherine Mwaba (@kasongomwaba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When radiotherapy services collapse, there's untold repercussions for those with cancer. After a long time, today I see a light. Hope is reignited. Contract with Siemens Healthineers signed Thank you Hon Sylvia T Masebo #cancercare4all #proudlyzambian

Shaukat Abdulrazak,PhD,EBS (@profshaukat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had a productive meeting with AFRA Chair & committee as they deliberate on 2024/25 programme & plan for 2026/27 cycle IAEA TC IAEA NA Win-Africa encouraged them to align AFRA towards initiatives #Atoms4Food #RaysOfHope and ensure impact of the programme in #Africa

Had a productive meeting with <a href="/AFRAAfrica/">AFRA</a> Chair &amp; committee as they deliberate on 2024/25 programme &amp; plan for 2026/27 cycle <a href="/IAEATC/">IAEA TC</a> <a href="/IAEANA/">IAEA NA</a> <a href="/WinAfrica00/">Win-Africa</a>  encouraged them to align AFRA towards initiatives #Atoms4Food #RaysOfHope and ensure impact of the programme in #Africa
Shaukat Abdulrazak,PhD,EBS (@profshaukat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

National Liaison Officers & AFRA NC are important interface between #Africa Member States & IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ⚛️ in IAEA TC IAEA NA IAEA NE IAEA PACT Programme. We invited new NLO/NLA/AFRA NC for induction workshop - Promoting Atoms 4 Peace & Development #Impact #RBM #Accountability

National Liaison Officers &amp; <a href="/AFRAAfrica/">AFRA</a> NC are important interface between #Africa Member States &amp; <a href="/iaeaorg/">IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ⚛️</a> in <a href="/IAEATC/">IAEA TC</a> <a href="/IAEANA/">IAEA NA</a> <a href="/IAEANE/">IAEA NE</a> <a href="/iaeapact/">IAEA PACT</a> Programme. We invited new NLO/NLA/AFRA NC for induction workshop - Promoting Atoms 4 Peace &amp; Development #Impact #RBM #Accountability
Akwi Asombang MD MPH (@akwiasombangmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Medical Women's International Association (MWIA) holds an international congress every three years. This year the meeting will be hosted by H.E. Jusstin Sunn🌞(hiring!) AIM: scientific gathering on topics of interest to women in medicine. REGISTRATION #globalhealth

Medical Women's International Association  (MWIA)  holds an international congress every three years. This year  the meeting will be hosted by <a href="/MWAZ_Zambia/">H.E. Jusstin Sunn🌞(hiring!)</a> 

AIM: scientific gathering on topics of interest to women in medicine.


Catherine Mwaba (@kasongomwaba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gathered as women in health for the 10th Regionsl Congress for Near and East Africa Proud of MWAZ hosting the Congress in Beautiful Livingstone. When women lead, mountains move Welcome to Zambia International delegates #MWIA2024 #MWAZ

Gathered as women in health for the 10th Regionsl Congress for Near and  East Africa 
Proud of MWAZ hosting the Congress in Beautiful Livingstone. When women lead, mountains move 
Welcome to Zambia International delegates 
Hongcheng Zhu 祝鸿程 (@drhongchengzhu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My African trip of #globaloncology starts in Zambia 🇿🇲 Thanks for Catherine Mwaba and the team hosting me in Cancer Diseases Hospital, Lusaka, where I can see how much RT is in need for patient care and cancer control. IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ⚛️ London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine #globalhealth #LMICs

My African trip of #globaloncology starts in Zambia 🇿🇲 Thanks for <a href="/kasongomwaba/">Catherine Mwaba</a> and the team hosting me in Cancer Diseases Hospital, Lusaka, where I can see how much RT is in need for patient care and cancer control. <a href="/iaeaorg/">IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency ⚛️</a> <a href="/LSHTM/">London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine</a> #globalhealth #LMICs
Catherine Mwaba (@kasongomwaba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cancer Symposium, MOH/CDH in collaboration with MDACC. 15-17 July, pre-symposium workshops, nursing, cervical and breast cancer and a research workshop for trainee clinical Oncologists. Last day today, great research proposals #bridgingthecancercaregap

Cancer Symposium,  MOH/CDH in collaboration with MDACC. 15-17 July, pre-symposium workshops, nursing, cervical and breast cancer and a research workshop for trainee clinical Oncologists. Last day today, great research proposals #bridgingthecancercaregap
Miriam Mutebi (@m_mutebi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nurses are the backbone of cancer care across Africa, yet their vital role is often underappreciated. Meet three phenomenal leaders making a difference. Read: #AfricaCancerDialogues #54DaysofCancerAdvocacy @OncoDaily AORTIC @khalidelbairi ASCO

Nurses are the backbone of cancer care across Africa, yet their vital role is often underappreciated. Meet three phenomenal leaders making a difference. Read:
#AfricaCancerDialogues #54DaysofCancerAdvocacy

@OncoDaily <a href="/AORTIC_AFRICA/">AORTIC</a> @khalidelbairi <a href="/ASCO/">ASCO</a>
IAEA PACT (@iaeapact) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rays of Hope is making a difference by helping countries improve access to radiotherapy facilities for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. @IAEAorg is supporting countries to ensure #CancerCare4All 🔗

Rays of Hope is making a difference by helping countries improve access to radiotherapy facilities for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. 

@IAEAorg is supporting countries to ensure #CancerCare4All 

Akwi Asombang MD MPH (@akwiasombangmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I look forward to serving ACG_CTG Int’l editorial board Clinical & Translational Gastroenterology (CTG) 💡double-blind peer-reviewed journal 💡open access, online 💡dedicated to innovative clinical work in gastroenterology #GITwitter #research…

I look forward to serving <a href="/ACG_CTG/">ACG_CTG</a> Int’l editorial board

Clinical &amp; Translational Gastroenterology (CTG)
💡double-blind peer-reviewed journal
💡open access, online 
💡dedicated to innovative clinical work in gastroenterology

#GITwitter #research…
Rafael MarianoGrossi (@rafaelmgrossi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Countries want viable solutions to cut emissions while powering their economies. My message to #COP29: to reach #NetZero, our energy-hungry world needs nuclear power.

Shaukat Abdulrazak,PhD,EBS (@profshaukat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we closed 5 days AFRA IAEA TC Training course on the use of #DRLs for Patient Dose Optimization in Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, I encouraged participants 2 develop national DRLs to enhance radiation optimization & patient safety IAEA NA #capacitybuilding

Today we closed 5 days <a href="/AFRAAfrica/">AFRA</a> <a href="/IAEATC/">IAEA TC</a> Training course on the use of #DRLs for Patient Dose Optimization in Diagnostic &amp; Interventional Radiology, I encouraged participants 2 develop national DRLs to enhance radiation optimization &amp; patient safety <a href="/IAEANA/">IAEA NA</a> #capacitybuilding
Akwi Asombang MD MPH (@akwiasombangmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

See you in Zambia.🇿🇲 ♥️ I support mentorship I support medical students I support research With opportunity, we thrive! #zedtwitter

UN Women (@un_women) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ToleranceDay Reminder: Being different is what makes us unique. Let us: 💙 Embrace diversity. 💙 Celebrate cultures. 💙 Respect one another.

#ToleranceDay Reminder:

Being different is what makes us unique.

Let us:
💙 Embrace diversity.
💙 Celebrate cultures.
💙 Respect one another.
Shaukat Abdulrazak,PhD,EBS (@profshaukat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Together with colleagues from #Africa discussing on peaceful uses of nuclear science & technology for socio-economic transformation, leapfrogging towards doing More from Less for More IAEA TC IAEA NA IAEA NE IAEA NS IAEA PACT #Atoms4Food #RoH #Energy Win-Africa AFRA

Together with colleagues from #Africa discussing on peaceful uses of nuclear science &amp; technology for socio-economic transformation, leapfrogging towards doing More from Less for More  <a href="/IAEATC/">IAEA TC</a> <a href="/IAEANA/">IAEA NA</a> <a href="/IAEANE/">IAEA NE</a> <a href="/IAEANS/">IAEA NS</a> <a href="/iaeapact/">IAEA PACT</a> #Atoms4Food #RoH #Energy <a href="/WinAfrica00/">Win-Africa</a> <a href="/AFRAAfrica/">AFRA</a>