Karsten Donnay
Assistant Professor @IPZ_ch @UZH_ch @DigDemLab丨Political Science丨Computational Social Science丨Political Behavior丨Digital Media
ID: 417993684
http://www.karstendonnay.net 21-11-2011 16:25:55
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📣 If you are interested in questions at the intersection of technology and politics and have a bit of time to spare, tune into this podcast hosted by the wonderful Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa and published by ICT4Peace Foundation! We had a great conversation and covered a lot of ground, so tune in! ⬇️
My book review on Anita Gohdes excellent book! Warmly recommended :-) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
We are hiring! Postdoc focusing on comparative politics. 👩🎓 Responsibilities include: Independent research, student mentorship, and teaching (2 hrs/week). 📍 Basel, Switzerland 🗓️ Starting: September 1, 2024 career2.successfactors.eu/career?company… University of Basel European Consortium for Political Research
APPLY: We are hiring a Global Evidence Fellow - a year-long post-doctoral fellowship with Life&Peace Institute and RIPIL_AU at American University. Funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, fellows will conduct community-based research in East Africa and seek to translate it into a policy impact. Due: 05/22/24.
Spaces still available! Register for my and Liam F. Beiser-McGrath’s ICPSR Summer Program Online Workshop, "Modeling Interaction Effects and Heterogenous Treatment Effects", May 28-31, 2024. More info here: myumi.ch/235Ae
Two-year postdoc position available in our project at the University of Konstanz on transparency in content moderation with Nils B. Weidmann and Yannis Theocharis. Come to beautiful Konstanz and work with an amazing team. Apply here: stellen.uni-konstanz.de/jobposting/0df…
🚨 4-year postdoc position in computational social science at University of Zurich. Come work with me and Fabrizio Gilardi at IPZ - Political Science UZH! This is part of an #SNF project together with Dominik Hangartner and Gloria Gennaro. Application deadline is June 30. Job ad & details: ⬇️ ipz.uzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/o…
Interested in gender segregation in fields of study and occupations? Join me as a PhD student in Zurich – one of the world's most liveable cities! Duration: min. 3 years. Deadline: 4 August 2024. University of Zurich; URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R; Soziologisches Institut SUZ - Universität Zürich Link to apply: jobs.uzh.ch/offene-stellen…
Great things ahead for IPZ - Political Science UZH Universität Zürich! 💥 Yesterday, I handed over to new IPZ HoD Daniele Caramani and his deputy HoD Stefanie Walter and Jon Slapin . It has been an immense honor and a pleasure to serve this amazing community for the past 4,5 years✨
CDSP Sciences Po is hiring an Assistant Professor in Political Science with a focus on methods. More info here: cdsp.sciences-po.fr/en/le-cdsp/new… PM for additional info.