Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile
Karen's Daddy


I'm a thriving homosexual.

So I'm "islamaphobic," "transphobic," and "phobic" of anyone who hates freedom.

I'm also "terf" #50475

ID: 1678002369273929728

calendar_today09-07-2023 11:25:28

5,5K Tweet


223 Following

Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How bad are hate speech laws in the UK? Saying "it's OK to be white" can result in a harsher sentence than child pornography. Abigail Anthony found numerous cases in which UK judges jailed thought criminals while letting actual criminals off the hook. The list is shocking.🧵

How bad are hate speech laws in the UK? Saying "it's OK to be white" can result in a harsher sentence than child pornography. 

<a href="/abigailandwords/">Abigail Anthony</a> found numerous cases in which UK judges jailed thought criminals while letting actual criminals off the hook.

The list is shocking.🧵
Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's not a "moral panic" sweetie. It's a genuine disgust of autogynephilic male perverts. The only lesbian sex you can have with a tr00n is with a Lil pooner. Those she tr00ns can indeed be lesbians.

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is going to become a psychological thriller where Candace Owens ends up destitute and in a psych ward after her husband's family decides they no longer want the shame of association with her crazy. I can't wait to watch.

Lauren Southern (@lauren_southern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To commemorate the Taliban's new laws passed to ban women from: - speaking in public - showing ANY skin - looking at men they aren't related to I would like to revive this classic segment "Islam or Women's Rights"

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Apparently mark thinks that we should only say things that are approved by our work HR departments. Of course his dream for America is to replicate a system where we are controlled by the administrative state and don't have due process.

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watching low iq white people throw hissy fits about Jewish people is both sad and comical. They want to feel superior to other races, but they don't have the iq to back it up. Being a poor racist person sounds tragic.

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The saddest part about the idea that the political is personal is that it gives people the idea that friendships should have some political goal other than just the genuine enjoyment of other people's company. This has been the worst development in human history.

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is comical. One of the most evil Americans of the last 30 years now supports kamala and the media is so pumped for it. I would not be proud of this endorsement.

This is comical. One of the most evil Americans of the last 30 years now supports kamala and the media is so pumped for it.  

I would not be proud of this endorsement.
Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I have a pretty major update for one of my articles. It has to do with Justice Jackson's comment that when Black newborns are delivered by Black doctors, they're much more likely to survive, justifying racially discriminatory admissions. We now know she was wrong🧵

I have a pretty major update for one of my articles.

It has to do with Justice Jackson's comment that when Black newborns are delivered by Black doctors, they're much more likely to survive, justifying racially discriminatory admissions.

We now know she was wrong🧵
Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The ease with which she lies is truly astounding. Where are all the "misinformation" experts calling her out and explaining why she's a threat to democracy who must be silenced?

Karen's Daddy (@karensdad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Troonery is wild. This straight woman who calls herself a f*g thinks normal gay people are homophobic for being disgusted by her.