Kanako Bessho-Uehara
Plant Biologist🌱 Morphological Plasticity/ Awn/ Rhizome/ WildRice/ Domestication/ SignalTransduction/ Gall/ Insect/ Evolution/ Mom of 2/
ID: 1020523494696632320
https://kbessho512.wixsite.com/kanabu 21-07-2018 04:18:56
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For at least the last 15 years I have wanted to know whether giant cells are randomly spaced in the sepal. We finally have an answer! They start random and become nonrandom as the surrounding cells divide. Geat collaboration Pau Formosa-Jordan Gauthier Weissbart biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
#盗機能生物学 ワークショップ 9/27(金)@岡崎 餌生物の特殊能力利用する生物の研究者が集います。今回は海外から Dr. Jessica Goodheart Jessica Goodheartさんの招待することができました。 sites.google.com/nibb.ac.jp/kle… #kleptobiology #kleptocnidism Taro Maeda umiushi Kanako Bessho-Uehara
Inflorescence architecture is crucially important for cereal crop breeding. To find out more about the genetic basis of awn development register for tomorrow morning's seminar by Shun Sakuma とりりん@鳥取大学公式 Please note the earlier 9am start! ⏰ eventbrite.co.uk/e/ibh-seminar-…