jesse veenvliet
proud papa | group leader @teamstembryo @mpicbg | re- and deconstructing (st)embryos | #stembryogenesis | solves problems in lab & climbing hall | views mine
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http://www.stembryogenesis.com 04-08-2014 12:04:03
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Twitterverse, help me out: I remember a paper reporting the use of a redox (H2O2) biosensor (possibly one of the Hypers) in zebrafish larvae, showing high activity at the posterior end and, I think, in the PSM & somites. But obviously can't find it anymore... Zebrafish Rock!

As every time a door closes, new opportunities open up! From August I have joined BökeLab in the beautiful Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) at Biomedicina BCN to study oocyte cell biology during development and ageing! Reach out if you are in Barcelona and want to chat embryo stuff & more!

Out today in Nature Materials, the updated version of our work on nuclear jamming in organogenesis 👁️🧠 Thanks to the reviewers (yes, thanks 😊), we have added a lot of new data. Check below for the new results... 🧵 ➡️rdcu.be/dQDm6

The @Campaslab at Physics of Life Dresden reports today in Nature Materials that nuclei jam in eye and brain tissues to control the tissue stiffness and crystalline cellular packings. Congratulations to the whole team! 🤩 ▶️ For an easy read, check below physics-of-life.tu-dresden.de/news/2024/08/1…

Beautiful work on the role of tight junctions in lumen formation by Markus Mukenhirn Alf Honigmann 👇

Thanks for the donated beanbag KreysingLab 🫣😅❄️❄️❄️

Great to have this out Nature Cell Biology — outcome of intense discussions. We hope it provides a stepping stone for the embryo model field to reach consensus on benchmarking criteria, in order for the field to progress with scientific & public trust — nature.com/articles/s4155…

Comment in Nature Cell Biology on criteria for the standardization of stem-cell-based embryo models. With participation of jesse veenvliet, research group leader MPI-CBG Dresden. 🙌

The rapid progress in the #EmbryoModels field has necessitated the establishment of efficiency and fidelity criteria. I am therefore super excited about this very important piece we have published in our journal (Nature Cell Biology): rdcu.be/dTbLD nature.com/articles/s4155…

Bruno C. Vellutini from the research group of Pavel Tomancak MPI-CBG Dresden wins the 14th Annual Nikon Small World in Motion Competition Nikon Small World with his video of mitotic waves in the embryo of a fruit fly. Congratulations! mpi-cbg.de/news-outreach/…

Very proud of PhD student Alba Villaronga teamstembryo IMPRS-CellDevoSys MPI-CBG Dresden who will be sharing the stage with some true #devbio giants today at #spemannmangold2024. Metabolism🧡gastruloids!

Alba Villaronga Luque a graduate student in Jesse Veenvliet ‘s group MPI-CBG Dresden is next Alba is interested in the role that metabolism plays in embryogenesis biorxiv.org/content/10.110… #spemannmangold2024 Universität Freiburg