Justin Blakeley
Mojave Hs | Football/Track & Field | C/O 26’ | 6’5 | 290lbs | 3.6 GPA | OG/OT/C |Personal:[email protected] | 702-306-6532 |AG2G | NCAA ID# 2306926858
ID: 1561569909464653824
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Took some new kids to Utah for the King of the Hill and Poly Sports camp. Balled out! Got to meet with a legend Coach Alan Alan and can’t forget the Big Uso Big Dave Uiagalelei Until next time Utah! A7 Youth Foundation Utulei84💯 CalebPasina Justin Blakeley Saolotoga Panama-Faiivae

I had a great day SMU Football Rhett Lashlee camp today in session 2A and won every single 1-on-1 rep. Check me out tomorrow at TCU Football at the Sonny Dykes camp final session Greg Biggins Brian Mohr Adam Friedman Adam Gorney EdOBrienCFB Brandon Huffman @tomloy247

Summer is all about business for Justin Blakeley Locked in!

University Of Redlands camps are all done. Had an amazing experience, learning from elite college and learning new techniques. Won most 1-one-1 reps and now have a lot of college coaches eyes on me. Now heading into summer camp for Mojave Rattler Football

Three more camps left this summer! My next 2 will be at UNLV for the prospect camp and O/D line camp on 21st and 22nd. Training hard to show out for my home town team! Mojave Rattler Football @coach_Pacheco

Finsihed up my two camps at unlv this past weekend and had a great experience. Thank you too Mitch Malot Nicco Fertitta Barry Odom Coach B.O. for the amazing opportunity and camp.

Last camp of the summer is coming up! I will be at SUU for their elite camp on Saturday the 29th. Thank you DeLane L. Fitzgerald for putting out this camp and providing me with this great opportunity. Mojave Rattler Football