Trump trial jury - P01135809 (@jurytrumptrial) 's Twitter Profile
Trump trial jury - P01135809


👨🏽‍⚖️Yeah, we're the jury for the trial of Donald J. Trump back from the future to confirm that everything will be okay. We got this, America. (Parody, maybe)

ID: 1552299118848086016

calendar_today27-07-2022 14:25:44

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1,1K Following

Trump trial jury - P01135809 (@jurytrumptrial) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You know, not enough is said about the existence of $DJT. Do you realize how compromising it is for a political candidate to have his own stock? One with almost no value other than "brand." Putin or the Saudis could invest millions in $DJT and it would be legal. Can't allow it.

Trump trial jury - P01135809 (@jurytrumptrial) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just caught the comments from Doug Heye on CNN. Refreshing to hear a Republican talking sense about how bad Trumpism is for their party. Pick better people, do a better job researching potential candidates and stop listening to con artists for advice and endorsements.