Julius Center UMC U
Knowledge Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care. We work on the healthcare of the future by conducting research, teaching and providing care
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https://bit.ly/2Queme3 18-05-2017 15:35:23
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Wat een schitterende vierde Utrechtse muurformule over Caroline Bleeker in de Strosteeg! Ik sprak erover met Ingmar Swart van Utrecht University en Michiel Meulemans van De Strakke Hand voor #Telegraaf_Utrecht Mooi cadeau UU en UMC Utrecht voor Gemeente Utrecht muurformules.sites.uu.nl
Today is #WorldPrematurityDay2021. Focus on the importance of care, cure, research, outcome, and long-term consequences of preterm birth. Please share your #purple landmark’s. This is Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis #Utrecht #Netherlands
Results from the #PRIDE study at UMC Utrecht by Louis Bont in adults with Down syndrome shows that they are less well protected from COVID-19 after vaccination. The Dutch Health Council has now advised to offer them an accellerated booster vaccination edu.nl/rkjtm
Op zoek naar een baan waarin je het echt het verschil kunt maken? Je hebt nog een paar dagen om te reageren op deze vacature bij het UMC Utrecht UMC Utrecht Child Health Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis #research #vacature #programmamanager
We at UMC Utrecht are proud to participate in VERDI, a Horizon Europe🇪🇺-supported project that prioritizes women and children in research on new #SARS-CoV-2 variants. We will participate in household transmission studies and develop dynamic transmission models edu.nl/ev3q3
Straf zuidelijk Afrika niet af na adequaat handelen. Amrish Baidjoe Joyce Browne en Rieke van der Graaf in NRC #Omikron nrc.nl/nieuws/2021/11…
HANDS UP for tumor immunologist dr. Trudy Straetemans, who will coordinate the new national platform DARE-NL that has received a grant of €5.3 M from KWFKankerbestrijding. DARE-NL aims to improve the availability of cell and gene therapy for more cancer patients edu.nl/3uvdk
Bedankt en mooi dat je dit op de agenda zet, Mohammed Saiah Ben benieuwd wat de rol van de Gemeente Utrecht kan zijn in ons Eerste Generatie Fonds. Hopelijk komt er een samenwerking!
So proud of our students! We used a Challenge-Based Learning approach to have students learn about global health practice; by collaborating in teams with stakeholders in Ghana (Action On Preeclampsia Ghana & SPOT Impact!) and Cambodia (SCUBY). #UUgotthis, University College Utrecht UMC Utrecht Academic Teaching and Learning
Lessons learned for the next pandemic in an opinion piece in The Lancet Infectious Diseases: (1) create an EU authority that coordinates and accellerates clinical trials during a pandemic and avoids fragmentation, and (2) develop international clinical trial networks edu.nl/erhec
The global health UtrechtSummerSchool schools are back! This summer, we're hosting summer schools on Global Surgery & OBGYN, Global #Ethics & Equity, Maternal, Newborn & Child health, and Fundamentals of Global Health. [1/3] #globalhealth #AcademicTwitter #epitwitter #MedTwitter
Dear followers. We are closing this Twitter account. Please follow UMC Utrecht, UMC Utrecht International or Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis for our latest news and updates. #juliuscenter #juliuscentrum #UMCUtrecht #Wilhelminakinderziekenhuis 1/3
We are closing this Twitter account. For the latest news and updates about our knowledge center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, please follow UMC Utrecht, UMC Utrecht International or Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis. #juliuscentrum #juliuscentre #umcutrecht #wilhelminakinderziekenhuis 2/2
We are closing this Twitter account. For news and updates about our education to students of medicine and biomedicine, researchers, clinicians and other professionals in healthcare follow UMC Utrecht, UMC Utrecht International or Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis #juliuscentre #juliuscentrum #umcutrecht #hetwkz 3/3