Judson Sapp
Husband. Father. Conservative Businessman. Proud Floridian.
ID: 882621274803122176
http://www.judsonsapp.com 05-07-2017 15:24:45
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Team Sapp was proud to join Vicki Lopez Representative Vicki Lopez this weekend to keep Florida red! #Freedom

I had a fun morning walking Door to Door in Miami Beach to help keep Fabián Basabe fighting for Florida! #KeepFloridaRed

The Florida GOP Victory Dinner was fantastic! Congrats to my friend Chairman Evan Power for a job well done! #KeepFloridaFree

Fantastic reception in Daytona for Mayor Bill Partington and Representative Rep. Chase Tramont! #KeepFloridaFree

Thank you HCA Florida Healthcare Orange Park Hospital for the hospitality and tour. HCA Orange Park is Clay County’s largest private employer and serves a critical need as our trama center.

This week, FHA hosted several successful candidate meet and greet roundtables in Jacksonville and Orlando. Thank you to the prospective candidates who joined us: Judson Sapp, Kim Kendall, Erika Booth, Richard Gentry and Leonard Spencer for Florida and thank you to all of our member

Looking forward to being on Florida’s Voice Radio bright and early at 7:40am! #KeepFloridaFree

Tune in to Florida's Voice Radio! Candidate for State Rep. District 20 Judson Sapp will be on the show momentarily! x.com/i/broadcasts/1…

WATCH: Candidate for State Rep. District 20 Judson Sapp highlights what Florida must do to promote conservative policy

NEW: House candidate Judson Sapp advocates for business growth, freedom in conservative state future flvoicenews.com/house-candidat…