Jarrett Pumphrey
I make children’s books with my brother @wjpumphrey. Rep'd by Hannah Mann, Writers House. LINK + HUD: HEROES BY A HAIR out now!
ID: 36338930
http://pumphreybrothers.com 29-04-2009 11:47:44
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Friday spotlight on our Reviews of the Week. Read the reviews here: hbook.com/section/bookre… Chronicle Kids Allida HarperKids HarperTeen 📚 Simon Kids #hbreviewoftheweek #fridayreads #kidlit #yalit

My review of The Last Stand by Antwan Eady with Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey! Spoiler: I love this book, y'all! 💚💚💚💚 librarygirl.net/post/book-revi…

My first Amulet-related gallery show tonight at the store Gallery Nucleus where I drew the first pages of Amulet. I’m also teaching a graphic novel workshop today from 1-5pm (requires registration and fee) where I am just going to open up the entire process of making the final

We’ve got storytime on Saturday at Noon!!! Come join us as we read THE LAST STAND by Antwan Eady, Jerome Pumphrey, & Jarrett Pumphrey, and HIPPOS REMAIN CALM by Sandra Boynton! Simon Kids Knopf BFYR #booktwitter #tbr #whattoread #shopindie #shopsmall #shoplocal

Order your copy of my new YA memoir from Blue Willow Bookshop *You get this custom keychain, plus a signed bookplate if you make a donation to The Trevor Project! 💚 Pre-order here: bluewillowbookshop.com/pre-order-road…

🎙️NEW EPISODE!🎙️Y'all. BOTH Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey join me for this week's episode of #TheReadersHeart! I'm so excited for you to hear our conversation! Listen wherever you find podcasts! Show notes + discount from @Bookelicious here: librarygirl.net/post/book-revi…

Four books I had a blast booktalking at a literacy conference at Eureka College today: pinterest.com/mrschureads/20… Erin Entrada Kelly Antwan Eady Jarrett Pumphrey Jerome Pumphrey

Jerome Pumphrey Erin Entrada Kelly Antwan Eady Jarrett Pumphrey The teacher who received a copy of The Last Stand after my booktalk was very excited to share it with her students in August.

.Action Baseball Club 16U Silver’s Lincoln Pumphrey rips a line drive single to center field. Stony Point (TX) 2027 #uncommitted Profile: fivetool.org/players/397c60…

F: Action Baseball Club 16U Silver 6, Lobos Baseball 2026 White 5 PoG: Lincoln Pumphrey 3-3, RBI, R, 3 SB

.Action Baseball Club 15U Silver’s Hudson Pumphrey with a single to center field. Stony Point (TX) 2027 #uncommitted Profile: fivetool.org/players/f62804…

Happy National Farmers Market Week. A week to celebrate the growth and impact of farmers markets and their vital role in our food supply chain. See a farmer. Thank a farmer. Gift them a copy of The Last Stand, too! 🧑🏾🌾🚜 Jarrett Pumphrey Jerome Pumphrey

So excited to see There Was a Party for Langston on this list!! Jason Reynolds News Jerome Pumphrey Jarrett Pumphrey.

.Action Baseball Club 16U Green’s Hudson Pumphrey (Hudson pumphrey) smokes a line drive single through the right side. Stony Point (TX) 2027 #uncommitted Profile: fivetool.org/players/f62804…