JPI More Years, Better Lives
Collaborative research on demographic change
ID: 761470542444630016
http://www.jp-demographic.eu/ 05-08-2016 07:54:59
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Today some of the researchers participating in JPI MYBL funded projects are panellists at a Population Europe event to celebrate the European Day of #Demography: population-europe.eu/events/europea… #demography #demographyday #demographicchanges #JPIMYBL Population Europe

Great day in London with Ruth Evans meeting JPI More Years, Better Lives Scientific Board and Societal Board members alongside other research projects that were funded at the same time as our CAREWELL #TransnationalFamilies project #JTC2020 #care #inequalities #demographic_change

COVID-19 severely affected health & economic situation of immigrants in Spain. 'Regular work' protection policy left many unprotected: Policy Brief #TransnationalFamilies tinyurl.com/55v3x9h6 Raquel Martínez Buján esomi_udc UoR - Geography and Environmental Science TELEMMe MIM JPI More Years, Better Lives

Very pleased to welcome our partners and guests for the Pensineq project closing conference at Paris School of Economics. The first session started with the presentation of Martin Palme from the SSE JPI More Years, Better Lives IFAU Institute for Fiscal Studies ANR Wilfrid Laurier University University of British Columbia DIW Berlin