Jo Ryder
ID: 20145325
05-02-2009 12:58:03
300 Tweet
162 Following

In fact, so far, people are probably talking to one another more than they would do than if they were in the office buildings! Determined that we collectively build on that and develop a long-term sustainable working model. @NHSLeicester NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group /3

Our first LLR Patient Participation Group webinar takes place at 2pm today. Putting our faith in the technology!! 🤞😄 #firstwebinarever @NHSLeicester Better Care Together LLR Citizens Panel

Watch this accessible video on how to tell us your thoughts on the changes to health services since Covid-19. @NHSLeicester NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire Healthwatch Rutland Better Care Together LLR Citizens Panel vimeo.com/415461980/dafa…

Great #Leicester #Leicestershire and #Rutland Patient Participation Group workshop this morning. Brilliant involvement, great questions and really insightful comments. Thanks to all those who took part, especially on such a ☀️ day. @NHSLeicester West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG Better Care Together