Josh Osowicki
ID: 3316338985
15-08-2015 22:44:53
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A multiplex-qPCR developed by Catherine Satzke's team with other clinical researchers including empyema-loving Josh Osowicki... Improved pathogen diagnosis in 61% kids, and would have reduced untargeted antibiotics by a median of 20 days. Nice #AMS! journals.plos.org/plosone/articl… @MCRI_for_Kids

Thrilled that my exceptional student Jonathan Glenning was honoured w/ the Tonya Kara Award for his work on BP screening in schools🏅Balancing thesis write-up & MD1 UniMelb MDHS—a testament to the power of determination, mentorship & hard work Jonathan Mynard Stephanie Best Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI)

Honoured to be a member of the StrepA Outbreak Prevention Team Australian Museum Eureka Prizes 2024. Huge thanks to the many students and staff that facilitate the magic of team work and collaboration. Congrats to all #EurekaPrizes finalists!

Congrats to #MCRI's Dr Kiymet Bozaoglu who has received a New Investigator Award to examine the impacts of #NF1 on brain function. NF1 causes various benign tumours and is linked to #ADHD & #autism. | Kiymet Bozaoglu 🧬👩🏽🔬🧠 Department of Defense 🇺🇸 ➡️ direc.to/mgXz

ASIDANZ calls for the introduction of needle and syringe programs in #Australian #prisons to prevent morbidity and mortality from unsafe #injecting practices. Read statement: bit.ly/4gnjdqC AMA Media Hepatitis Australia Public Health Australia #idtwitter

I hope that funders around the world continue to see the value of global collaborations that make the SNAP Trial possible. Now exceeding previous trials combined and within 3 years of opening. Hopefully many years to come…

Excited to present my talk today on “From Strep throat to safe hearts: Trageting Strep A with glycoconjugate vaccines” at Ninewells for PostDoc Appreciation Week #NPAW2024 #celebratepostdocs Pint of Science UK UoD Life Sciences UoD Medicine

So excited this work is now out in the world! Huge potential to shape vaccine design strategies for poorly immunogenic epitopes. Congratulations Ali Dvorscek and Isaak Quast and the rest of the team. Access without paywall here: authors.elsevier.com/c/1joZ23qNrUxu…