Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile
Joseph Alsousou


Clinical Lecturer. Ortho geek with humanitarian interest. Founder Rooms4NHS charity initiative. director

ID: 289047945

link calendar_today27-04-2011 22:51:06

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Dan Perry (@mrdanperry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HEALTH ECONOMICS 🤩 EXPLAINED 🤩 through the treatment of buckle fractures. Read the paper… and listen the podcast (link in bio). Thanks jackie oien from UoL School of Medicine for making the explainer. National Institute for Health and Care Research

Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#orthotwitter Planning sacral fixation is a must❗️ 3D reconstruction shows the morphology really well. Dysmorphism assessment is easier on 3D especially when sacral slope is so steep and associated with degenerative changes. This case demonstrates this nicely. there is no way to

#orthotwitter Planning sacral fixation is a must❗️
3D reconstruction shows the morphology really well. Dysmorphism assessment is easier on 3D especially when sacral slope is so steep and associated with degenerative changes. This case demonstrates this nicely. there is no way to
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

HALO (High Acuity Low Occurrence) cadaver course has been amazing. Thanks to a great faculty and candidates. partnered with Manchester Advanced Trauma Training (MATT) to deliver this emergency medicine course. Thanks Manchester Surgical Skills and Simulation Centre MFT NHS The University of Manchester Manchester Royal Infirmary

HALO (High Acuity Low Occurrence) cadaver course has been amazing. Thanks to a great faculty and candidates. partnered with Manchester Advanced Trauma Training (MATT) to deliver this emergency medicine course. 
Thanks <a href="/MSSSC_/">Manchester Surgical Skills and Simulation Centre</a> <a href="/MFTnhs/">MFT NHS</a> <a href="/OfficialUoM/">The University of Manchester</a> <a href="/MFT_MRI/">Manchester Royal Infirmary</a>
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our own Ms Stella and Mr Will Chellam Talking to the BBC about the national blood service shortage effect on Major Trauma Injuries. Donate blood now to save lives. MFT NHS Mark Cubbon #trauma #orthopaedics #injury #majortrauma #blooddonation

NIHR CRN Greater Manchester (@nihrcrn_gman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our network transformed the way shoulder surgery patients receive physio by using video games to help rehab. Trafford Hospitals was thought to be the first in the world to adopt this technology in day-to-day physio following a successful GM-led study delivered 2016-18. #CRNGM10

Our network transformed the way shoulder surgery patients receive physio by using video games to help rehab. 

<a href="/TraffordHosp/">Trafford Hospitals</a> was thought to be the first in the world to adopt this technology in day-to-day physio following a successful GM-led study delivered 2016-18. #CRNGM10
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MAPS Manchester Acetabulum & #Pelvis #Surgery meeting is becoming bigger and stronger, with the addition of limb reconstruction surgeons and international visitors 💪 Complex cases doscussion, collaborative regional audits and regional and national research studies are on the

MAPS Manchester Acetabulum &amp; #Pelvis #Surgery meeting is becoming bigger and stronger, with the addition of limb reconstruction surgeons and international visitors 💪 
Complex cases doscussion, collaborative regional audits and regional and national research studies are on the
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#orthotwitter Plan Plan Plan! Planning on all true sacral dimensions is crucial to avoid mal positioning of screws in #pelvic #fractures . In this case screws may be safe in axial and sagital cuts but oblique in coronal. Need to also assess both side as dysmorphysim maybe worse

#orthotwitter Plan Plan Plan!
Planning on all true sacral dimensions is crucial to avoid mal positioning  of screws in #pelvic #fractures . In this case screws may be safe in axial and sagital cuts but oblique in coronal. Need to also assess both side as dysmorphysim maybe worse
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two big trials coming our way #orthotwitter both on clot prevention in trauma: TiLLI for lower limb and DIRECT for aspirin in NOF. Xavier Griffin &team are aiming to recruit over 20k patients. Bone and Joint Health Barts Health @ndorma OCTRU Trials Hub @Brirthopaedic BOTA great

Two big trials coming our way #orthotwitter both on clot prevention in trauma: TiLLI for lower limb and DIRECT for aspirin in NOF. <a href="/xlgriffin/">Xavier Griffin</a> &amp;team are aiming to recruit  over 20k patients. <a href="/BartsBoneJoint/">Bone and Joint Health</a> <a href="/NHSBartsHealth/">Barts Health</a> @ndorma <a href="/OCTRUctu/">OCTRU Trials Hub</a> @Brirthopaedic <a href="/bota_uk/">BOTA</a> great
Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Orthotwitter We don’t do enough cemented total hips. Prof Rob Trousdale delivering Charnley lecture BOA #BOAAC2024 on lessons learnd over decades of experience. #BOAAC24 BOTA OTA Mayo Clinic

Joseph Alsousou (@josephalsousou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Contact, Alignment & stability are the goals of atypical #fracture And Atypical Atypical #fractures /non union. Valgarising is a good way to achieve contact and alignment, nail or plate add stability. Alex Trumpeter sharing his experience BOA #boaac #boaac2024

Contact, Alignment &amp; stability are the goals of atypical #fracture And Atypical Atypical #fractures /non union. Valgarising is a good way to achieve contact and alignment, nail or plate add stability. 
Alex Trumpeter sharing his experience <a href="/BritOrthopaedic/">BOA</a> #boaac #boaac2024