Jordan McSwiney
Postdoc at @DelDemUCan
ID: 986093837574533121
17-04-2018 04:07:46
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So grateful to have contributed a chapter to this volume! Alongside Jordan McSwiney and Henry (Harry) Maher

We are looking for a research assistant for work on AU public sphere responses to Bali Bombings. Short-term, casual role to assist w data collection + preliminary qual analysis. Case knowledge preferred but not required. DM or email me for more details. DelDemUCan APSA Australia

As the Tasmanian parliament tables new hate crime legislation around the use of the swastika, we worked with David Killick to reveal the hitherto unreported involvement of a National Socialist Network cell in anti-trans and Antisemitic hate crimes in Tasmania.

We worked with Joey Watson to reveal that Atomwaffen Division founder and National Socialist Order member Brandon Russell was a regular poster in Australian neo-Nazi chats, sharing fundraising, propaganda and terrorist instruction manuals. theguardian.com/australia-news…

Spectator Australia is a home for conservative figures like Tony Abbott and Alan Jones to write about current affairs. My investigation shows it has also published far-right white supremacists who are using it to mainstream and normalise extreme beliefs. crikey.com.au/2023/04/21/spe…

⌛️ One month to apply!🏁 6th DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY SUMMER SCHOOL With Melissa Williams, Yves Sintomer, John Dryzek, Andé Bächtiger Marina Lindell Maija Setälä Simon Niemeyer Selen A. Ercan Nicole Curato Adele Webb Jordan McSwiney Carolyn Hendriks delibdem.org/news/call-for-…

Coming very soon! Watershed: The 2022 Australian Federal Election, edited by myself, Marian Sawer & Jill Sheppard - featuring research & analysis by Australia’s political scientists & election analysts on all aspects of the campaign - find out more here: press.anu.edu.au/publications/w…

White supremacists recruiting in Brisbane - “Swastika bans are only successful to the point of banning the swastika: the swastika is not the source of their growing confidence.” White Rose Society (Australia) couriermail.com.au/news/queenslan… via The Courier-Mail

Forthcoming book in Routledge's Fascism and Far right series by Gearóid Brinn, Callum Jones and me is now available for preorder online: 'Global Heating and the Australian Far right' routledge.com/Global-Heating…

Do you research the contemporary public sphere (broadly conceived)? We're inviting 🇦🇺 based ECRs & HDRs to join us for a research workshop March 2024 in Brisbane🌞 to tackle questions about its future. Co-hosted DelDemUCan & QUT Digital Media Research Centre | funded by APSA Australia | Limited travel funds 👇