Jon Hunt
ID: 1168643580715573249
http://www.hudl.com/profile/17631405 02-09-2019 21:55:25
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Help me welcome Kj Smith to the Prospect Global Family!!!! Homerun threat every time he touches the ball!! Coach Champ Merriweather Coach Newhouse Barry Tripp Coach Red CoachTez hudl.com/v/2Q5TDu KJ Smith 5'9" 185 lbs. WR Dutch Fork HS (SC) '25 X: Why Hello There _KJ_ _Smith_

‼️‼️SENIOR YEAR 2024-25 HIGHLIGHTS‼️‼️ 6’ 205 LS/TE Updated Weekly Dutch Fork Football Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Scott Braswell Jr. On3 Recruits hudl.com/v/2Q3tyT

Mid-season highlights 5-0 4.5 games played Pass 83-108 77% 1,363 17 tds 1 int Rush 35 for 244 5 tds Summerville Football David Moore Dawg House Recruiting hudl.com/v/2QEiMH

great conversation with Emil Smith I’m blessed to receive my 4th offer from GMC Football Mike Summers Jr.™ Dutch Fork Football Scott Braswell Jr. Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Napoleon Hinton

I’m blessed to receive my 5️⃣th offer from North Greenville Football Stewart Hunt Dutch Fork Football Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Scott Braswell Jr. Napoleon Hinton Lou Bezjak On3 Recruits

Doing my thing. 137 on 4 returns last night. Thank you to all my brothers Dutch Fork Football for letting me do me when I get the ball. Donny Baker North Greenville Football Scott Braswell Jr. On3 Prep Redzone South Carolina

Had a great TEAM WIN over Chapin Friday Night 63-10. I finished with 8 carries for 65 yds and 2 rec for 20yds with 5TDs!!!! #5-0 Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Chris Dearing Lou Bezjak Thomas Grant Jr. Prep Redzone South Carolina hudl.com/v/2QHuYe

Had a Great dominating win against Chapin highschool to start off the region play 63-10!! Finished with 2 receptions for 80 and 1 td Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Lou Bezjak Shannon “Shake” Showers Coach Nate Poole Teddy Keaton Kyle Perkins Coach Chris Parrott

Played a great game against Chapin Pick 6! 2 big Hits 7 tackles!! Scott Braswell Jr. Dutch Fork Football Dutch Fork Football Recruiting hudl.com/v/2QHVjP

Luke Sutton 2025 Kj Smith 5’9 170 Slot wr/qb/ATH 40yd-4.41 Dutch Fork Highschool hudl.com/v/2Q5TDu

After a great conversation with Mark A. Carney, I am blessed to receive an offer from Kent State Football!! ALL GLORY TO GOD!!! David Moore Oceanside HS Football Recruiting Andrew Coach Brian Coleman Sims Bennett Blapp21 Dawg House Recruiting Prep Redzone South Carolina QBHitList.com

Finished with another Pick 6 last night! Hale McGranahan On3 Recruits Dutch Fork Football Cam Cain Scott Braswell Jr. Dutch Fork Football Recruiting hudl.com/v/2QM12G

hudl.com/v/2QHkha great win last week. Got to keep putting in work. Dutch Fork Football Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Blake Culbertson PLAYBOOK ATHLETE

Feeling so blessed to received a offer from JCSU Athletics Johnson C. Smith U. Golden Bulls thanks Chi-Emeke Worthington Dutch Fork Football Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Scott Braswell Jr. Bernard Sumter Sr. Napoleon Hinton Powerhouseathletics Coach Daniels HBCU Premier Sports & More SHOWCASE HBCU NCAA Football

#AGTG After a great conversation with Cooper Siudak I am blessed to receive a 🅾️ffer from Oberlin Football

We had good Win last Friday night against White Knoll 38-0 I finished with 13 carries for 81 Rushing yards 2 TDs ( one long for 48 yards) 5 rec for 68 Receiving yards. 1 TD ( Long for 45 yards) Thomas Grant Jr. Dutch Fork Football Recruiting Prep Redzone South Carolina hudl.com/v/2QRqu5