John Feister (@johnfeistermd) 's Twitter Profile
John Feister


neonatologist researching and advocating for public policies that ⬆️ neo health and ⬇️ inequity | legislative advocacy chair @NeoTECAN

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calendar_today24-03-2020 18:40:16

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Jeanne Frisby-Zedan (@jfrisbyzedan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This little one gets to put #PAS2023 on her CV at only 7 weeks old! Thanks for for supporting breastfeeding mamas Pediatric Academic Societies so I can show her what #girlpower is all about while presenting on risk factors for adverse outcomes in the pediatric CRRT population. American Society of Pediatric Nephrology LurieNephrology

This little one gets to put #PAS2023 on her CV at only 7 weeks old! Thanks for for supporting breastfeeding mamas <a href="/PASMeeting/">Pediatric Academic Societies</a> so I can show her what #girlpower is all about while presenting on risk factors for adverse outcomes in the pediatric CRRT population. <a href="/ASPNeph/">American Society of Pediatric Nephrology</a> <a href="/lurie_nu/">LurieNephrology</a>
John Feister (@johnfeistermd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling all neonatologists - save the date for the AAP Neonatal Virtual Advocacy Day on 9/13/23. Learn about advocating for babies & meet with your congressional reps. space is limited - register at: Neo Kids On The Block American Academy of Pediatrics

John Feister (@johnfeistermd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So proud of this manuscript with Henry Lee Sonia Bonifacio (she/her) & Jochen Profit! lucky to have had such a great group of mentors during my fellowship. Let’s build on this work to make nicu care more equitable for families with languages other than English!

John Feister (@johnfeistermd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#neotwitter Neo Kids On The Block is soliciting suggestions for what the focus of our next national advocacy campaign will be - please submit suggestions via the link sent to your email (subject: TECaN Advocacy Campaign Survey) AAP Neonatal Anisha Bhatia Attawala MD Brian King

Neo Kids On The Block (@neotecan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interested in a career in medicine or Pediatrics? We interviewed neonatologists across the US & here’s what they said about their work lives. Welcome to the “Day in the Life of a Neonatologist” video series! Watch the full video:… #nicu #neotwitter