Joey Tempest
ID: 836967049566040064
http://www.europetheband.com 01-03-2017 15:51:09
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Hello Everyone!!! We are now just days from Record Store Day! April 13th 2019. Record Store Day Cheers! #RSD19 #TurnToDust #WalkTheEarth #Europe #europetheband #joeytempest #johnleven #johnnorum #ianhaugland #micmichaeli #Rock #TourTheEarth #recordstoreday2019

"This song idea has been brewing for over ten years. When recording at Abbey Road the inspiration finally kicked in to finish it.” - Joey Tempest. @EuropeTheBand have released a video for their track ‘Turn To Dust’, inspired during sessions at Abbey Road: bit.ly/2ITdFXW

#RockTheCoast That was amazing Spain!! THANKS EVERYONE!! Repost From instagram: Juan Sierra Thank you! #europetheband #europeofficial #joeytempest #WalkTheEarth #TourTheEarth2019 #WalkTheEarthWorldTour #Fuengirola #Spain

Hello friends!! A personal message to you all. Stay safe out there! 💪 europetheband #joeytempest #micmichaeli #johnnorum #johnleven #ianhaugland