Thomas Joy (@joebean34) 's Twitter Profile
Thomas Joy


ID: 1732992404

calendar_today05-09-2013 20:15:00

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Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A kid who plays for Tenn State got a bad head injury in the Vanderbilt game today, he is undergoing brain surgery, I’ve been praying for his healing, would love to have you join me.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The devil is putting in a lot of overtime Lying is his language Deception is his specialty Disruption is his intention Smoke and mirrors and slight of hand, his talents The shield of faith and the sword of the spirit (word of God) his defeat. Watch and Pray.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Morning prayer Lord it seems the big and serious things that are happening so fast these days tend to take up so much of our attention and energy. Lord help us to remember the little things are important too,a smile, a hug, a kind word and a prayer for someone who is hurting.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you’re a snowflake and your tender ears-fragile feelings are hurt by the truth of reality, you’d better find yourself an isolated cave to live in because the world we find when we come out of this pandemic fog will require self reliance, responsibility, accountability and guts

Thomas Joy (@joebean34) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NFL Hypocrisy is…….. In 2012, the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his blackout to avoid glare and made him take it off.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Our system of government was never designed for career politicians. Enough is enough! Two terms for senators and gone! Four terms for House of Representatives and gone!"- C Daniels Charlie's latest soapbox is posted at his website Read it here: -TeamCDB

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Morning prayer Lord help us to take a few minutes today to ponder the depth of the love You demonstrated by sending your beloved Son from the indescribable peace and joy of heaven into this cess pool of a world, that we might have a way to salvation. Praise you Father

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Morning prayer Lord we thank you for giving us another year of life. We know that every breath, every heartbeat, every step we take and all the things that sustain us are a gift from You. Help us to approach this new year with a hopeful and thankful heart.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How long will it take the rank and file American citizens to figure out that Schumer, Pelosi et al don’t give a damn about solving the terrible problems of the native born dreamers and they really don’t give a damn about the imigrant dreamers either Naturalization-Votes Thats all

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Morning prayer Lord rid us of the people in high places of authority who put personal gain above the welfare of our nation, the dishonest few who value power more than honor ,greed more that integrity and choose control over peace of mind.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I sometimes think that dissension and disruption, rather than diplomacy and service are the goals of much of our congress These implacable, burnt out relics have no business holding sway over the lives of a free people They’ve lost the vision, they no longer serve, they retard.

Charlie Daniels (@charliedaniels) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Morning prayer Lord,bring about a revival in the country that will shake the very gates of hell, let the deceived ones eyes be opened to the eternal salvation of Jesus Christ and let the evil dominos of deception fall and the bright light of truth shine across rhis nation.