Jody MacDonald
An award winning photographer specializing in storytelling through adventure and environmental change inspiration in the remote corners of the planet.
ID: 114721958
http://www.jodymacdonaldphotography.com 16-02-2010 11:45:39
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Few contemporary figures embody the spirit of adventure and #travelphotography quite like Jody MacDonald - Read more here 👇 independent-photo.com/news/jody-macd…

So humbled to be included in this list of photography legends..thank you The Independent Photographer! independent-photo.com/news/20-travel…

A great episode with Jody MacDonald on our episode of Venture Observe Connect with Deanne. Thanks Jody MacDonald and keep that sugar out of your gas tank! 😅🥰 buzzsprout.com/2234531/141394…

What happens when five #ZAmbassadors equipped with Z by HP workstations collaborate with the musical duo, Milky Chance? You get “Synchronize,” a visual journey into the colorful minds of artists from around the world. Explore the project: youtube.com/watch?v=AvVmNs…

So stoked to collaborate on a music video for @milkychance with all the amazing @zbyhp ambassadors. Such a fun project to work on. GMUNK Rik Oostenbroek Nidia Dias Orlando Arocena #ZAmbassador #madeonz youtube.com/watch?v=AvVmNs…

Woohoo…getting some love. Thanks befores & afters magazine!

Have you heard the news? Our five #ZAmbassadors teamed up with renowned musical duo Milky Chance to explore the intersection of music and digital art. See how the team found their rhythm while creating a mesmerizing mixed media music video using Z tech: youtube.com/watch?v=tTMTG-…

🎥 4K video cameras. 🕹️ High-flying drones. ⭐️ Powerful technology. Take a peek behind the lens of #ZAmbassador filmmaker and photographer Jody MacDonald to learn how she helped take the mixed media music video for Milky Chance to new heights.

Honored to be included in this…so many amazing photos. Thanks The Independent Photographer India in 10 iconic images | The Independent Photographer independent-photo.com/news/india-in-…

Thanks think TANK Photo Deanne Fitzmaurice for chatting with me! ❤️

Get paid to spend time with me and ask me anything about photography and the changing shape of the photographic medium! Honored to be the photo world mentor for Avalanche Arts & Culture 🔺9000 this year, filling Dave 🏁 🏁 🏁's huge shoes. Through this program you will receive a decent sized

Tomorrow at 9am Pacific I begin my lectures for my Avalanche Arts & Culture 🔺9000 Mentorship group >>> filling the massive shoes of Dave 🏁 🏁 🏁 this season! These talks are open to the public if you want to attend follow the link in comments to register! The first will be about building a

Thrilled to be the newest member of @citizenwatchus #teampromaster during the brand’s 35th Anniversary celebration. Citizen Watch US #citizenpromaster #teampromaster