Joana Lima Gonçalves
Former Maier Lab Research Technician at @CeMM_News |
Biomedical Research MSc @UnivdeCoimbra and Immunology @IMMolecular |
Biology BSc at @UPorto and @warwickuni
ID: 863901239154757632
14-05-2017 23:38:00
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Our new preprint where we show that SARS-CoV-2 VOCs are able to infect mice is out. Collaborative work INSTITUT PASTEUR *not peer reviewed yet*, short 🧵… 1/9
Happy to see our big project on #LungCancer led by Lukas Orre and LehtioLab published in Nature Cancer. There is #Proteomics, #MolecularSubtyping, #ML, #PatientStratification, and more! Something for anyone interested in #cancer #PrecisionMedicine 🫁🎯⚕️…
Yesterday we celebrated the #CeMM15Anniversary & our Scientific Director Giulio Superti-Furga's #60Birthday!🎉 🥂 Thank you to our colleagues & alumni who joined us in this fun evening to cherish our institute's growth and success. We very much enjoyed the community gathering! 👏
Our paper is out in Nature Communications !! Lead by Lea Monteran Nour Ershaid We set out to study the adverse effects of chemotherapy in breast cancer that lead to induction of tissue damage, inflammation and metastatic relapse.