Julian (@jmw_1232) 's Twitter Profile


#sports, #music, #health, #climatecrisis, #biodiversitycrisis, #pollutioncrisis, #plasticcrisis, #tobaccocrisis, #humanrights

ID: 3592260022

calendar_today08-09-2015 22:50:29

13,13K Tweet


5,5K Following

Friends of the Earth (@friends_earth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Breaking🚨 A gold mine is threatening to destroy one of Indonesia’s last remaining rainforests, which is the home of the world's rarest orangutan and local communities who have relied on the forest as home for generations. All for UK-based conglomerate Jardine Matheson’s profits.

UN Environment Programme (@unep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saturday is International #PeaceDay Peace is not only the absence of conflict but also the harmonious co-existence with nature by ensuring the resilience of our planet through conservation & more Cultivate a culture of peace today and every day: unep.org/explore-topics…

Saturday is International #PeaceDay

Peace is not only the absence of conflict but also the harmonious co-existence with nature by ensuring the resilience of our planet through conservation & more

Cultivate a culture of peace today and every day: unep.org/explore-topics…
Zentrum für Politische Schönheit (@politicalbeauty) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wir brauchen übrigens keine #Brandmauer gegen die AfD, sondern eine klare Frontstellung gegen die nationalsozialistisch angehauchten Verfassungsfeinde! Die dürfen nicht mehr in der Lage sein, überhaupt irgendetwas anzuzünden.

UN Environment Programme (@unep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sunday is #WorldCarFreeDay! Using shared or non-motorized modes of transport when possible helps reduce air pollution and climate change. More on sustainable low-emission transport options: unep.org/topics/transpo…

Sunday is #WorldCarFreeDay!

Using shared or non-motorized modes of transport when possible helps reduce air pollution and climate change.

More on sustainable low-emission transport options: unep.org/topics/transpo…
Greenpeace e.V. (@greenpeace_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rechnen hilft, lieber Christian Lindner! Natürlich sind das Diesel- und Dienstwagenprivileg sowie günstiges Kerosin klimaschädliche Subventionen! Deren Abschaffung würde viel Geld in die Kassen spülen und das Klima schützen. 📹Unsere Reaction auf YouTube: act.gp/3XwxngO

Greenpeace International (@greenpeace) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today is #WorldCarFreeDay. For far too long, people have been made dependent on private motorised transport because of poor urban planning, lack of access to public alternatives, and massive marketing by the automotive industry.

Today is #WorldCarFreeDay.

For far too long, people have been made dependent on private motorised transport because of poor urban planning, lack of access to public alternatives, and massive marketing by the automotive industry.
UN Biodiversity (@unbiodiversity) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊 But water can be also an ally in our fight against #climatechange. By managing it sustainably, we can prevent soil erosion, protect crops, and enhance food security. Everyone has a role to play. Every 💧counts! Via International Fund for Agricultural Development

🌊  But water can be also an ally in our fight against #climatechange.   

By managing it sustainably, we can prevent soil erosion, protect crops, and enhance food security.  

Everyone has a role to play.

Every 💧counts!

Via <a href="/IFAD/">International Fund for Agricultural Development</a>
ipbes (@ipbes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ClimateChange & #biodiversity loss aren't just environmental issues – they're security concerns.🌿 When access to ecosystem services and natural resources are not equally & evenly distributed, it may lead to conflict. —ipbes #Africa Assessment #OurCommonFuture

#ClimateChange &amp; #biodiversity loss aren't just environmental issues – they're security concerns.🌿

When access to ecosystem services and natural resources are not equally &amp; evenly distributed, it may lead to conflict.

—<a href="/IPBES/">ipbes</a> #Africa Assessment

Zentrum für Politische Schönheit (@politicalbeauty) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Am Tag der Wahl einer faschistischen Partei zur stärksten Kraft in einem zweiten Bundesland können wir nur ernsthaft wiederholt warnen, was dieser Landesverband vorhat: ⬇️⬇️

LobbyControl (@lobbycontrol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Einseitig besetzter „#Autogipfel“: Austausch zur Zukunft der Autoindustrie braucht breitere Beteiligung. Einseitige Lobbynetzwerke hatten Anteil an der jetzigen Krise der Autoindustrie. Unser Pressekommentar zum morgigen Spitzentreffen lobbycontrol.de/pressemitteilu…

UN Biodiversity (@unbiodiversity) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💧Water is life. 💧Water is food. ❌Water is NOT an infinite resource. It's time to stop taking water for granted. Let's take #WaterAction for food and be the change our world needs.

Julian (@jmw_1232) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Schließen Sie sich dem Aufruf für einen neuen Vertrag über Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit an: secure.avaaz.org/campaign/de/ca…